Holotropic Breathwork Intensives with Alicia Mayo in Mexico

Discover Holotropic Breathwork: Reconnect, Renew, and Transform Your Life

3 reviews
Alicia Mayo
“My work with Alicia makes me stop and remember the old habits I so often trip on, and now with some humor, I can step over them. It was as if Alicia dismembered me, then reassembled me with wise ha...”
Alicia • February 9, 2021
“I took a great deal of deep – rooted emotional baggage with me to Alicia's Intensive and am forever grateful for Alicia's help with pulling these inhibiting thought patterns up by the taproot, toss...”
Alicia • February 9, 2021

My Services

Free discovery call

Book a free 15 minute call with me so we can get to know each other and explore if we’re a good fit to work together. I look forward to connecting with you!

Free · 15 minutes

Services section
Alicia Mayo practicing Holotropic Breathwork in San Miguel de Allende Centro, GUA

About me

As a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, I have come to understand that love is the most powerful force in the universe. My lifelong journey has led me to embrace both ancient wisdom and cutting-edge scientific discoveries, which together paint a beautiful picture of our interconnectedness and potential for growth.

My passion for holistic healing was ignited during my time as a Spanish teacher in Hollister, California. Attending a life-changing retreat with Stan and Christina Grof at Esalen Institute, I experienced the transformative power of Holotropic Breathwork firsthand. At that moment, I knew I had to share this gift with others, and so began my mission to bring this work to Mexico.

What You Can Expect On Your First Visit
Testimonials from past clients speak to the profound impact of our work together:
""Alicia is a wonderful guide through such exciting inner voyages."" – Russ Archibald, 75, Retired
""It was as if Alicia dismembered me, then reassembled me with wise hands and a loving heart."" – Amy Spencer, 33, Artist\Educator
""Having taken the Intensive definitely has changed my life and my persona."" – Severino Rodriguez, 43, Chief Executive Officer

Join us for a Five-Day Intensive in the beautiful settings of Valle de Bravo or San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. This modern-day vision quest will guide you through a transformative journey of self-discovery, facilitated by Alicia Mayo.

My Reviews

3 reviews
Reviews are Heal.me verified
“My work with Alicia makes me stop and remember the old habits I so often trip on, and now with some humor, I can step over them. It was as if Alicia dismembered me, then reassembled me with wise ha...”
Alicia • February 9, 2021
“I took a great deal of deep – rooted emotional baggage with me to Alicia's Intensive and am forever grateful for Alicia's help with pulling these inhibiting thought patterns up by the taproot, toss...”
Alicia • February 9, 2021
“This was a remarkable, mind – stretching experience, full personal and spiritual revelation. Alicia is a wonderful guide through such exciting inner voyages. Russ Archibald 75 retired”
Alicia • February 9, 2021
Reviews section
I help with
Brain Health
Chronic Fatigue
Behavioral Issues
Self Confidence
Bipolar Disorder
Low Self Esteem
Back Pain
Self Esteem
Shamanic Healing
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. ”
- Thomas Edison

Schedule an appointment now

I'm based in San Miguel de Allende Centro, GUA and offer virtual and in-person appointments.

Alicia Mayo
Certified Facilitator Holotropic Breathwork & Transpersonal Pyschology by Grof Transpersonal Training, Inc.