You are meant to live pain-free! Therapeutic Massage can make that possible. Chronic pain has many sources but finding the root cause is how we treat the underlying symptoms. Precision & Pressure promote blood flow and blood flow facilitates healing!
My Services
Free discovery call
Free · 15 minutes
Groupon 30 Minutes
Free · 30 minutes
Groupon 45 Minutes
Free · 45 minutes
Groupon 60 Minutes
Free · 60 minutes
Groupon 90 Minutes
Free · 90 minutes
About me
Hi, I’m Karis! A graduate of Florida College of Natural Health with over 750 hours of training. I am committed and dedicated to providing excellent care and healing through massage therapy.
My Philosophy:
Massage Therapy is an incredible healing tool. The body’s ability to heal is directly related to its ability to feel nurtured and loved. We are given bodies that are designed to work and heal themselves and they do, when we apply precision and pressure - this is the definition of “Therapeutic Massage”.
As a licensed massage therapist I have the privilege and responsibility to help educate and empower people to tap into this healing energy.
You are meant to feel your best. Pain is your body communicating with you. When you listen, you tap into your own ability to heal.
Time. Patience. Pressure. Bringing blood flow and healing through Massage Therapy.
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I'm based in Fairlawn, OH and offer virtual and in-person appointments.