Embrace Your Sensitivity: Find Calm, Confidence, and Self-Love Today
My Services
Free discovery call
Free · 20 minutes
Authentic Empowerment Counseling for Highly Sensitive People
$155.00 · 50 minutes
I help Highly Sensitive People transform the feeling of overwhelm into calm confidence and authentic empowerment to improve their relatiohships with themselves and others.

About me
Are you tired of being called too sensitive? Do you process events and things people say deeply? Are you overwhelmed, stressed, and want to feel calm and confident? Do you prefer being quiet and alone over social events? If you resonate with and can answer yes to these questions than you’re probably a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP.)
Highly sensitive people feel and process things deeply and need someone who compassionately understands them. I'm also an HSP, and my background in mindfulness, transpersonal (spiritual counseling) and somatic (body awareness) psychology creates a safe environment to explore your inner world. I help to realign your spirit. I use my intuition to guide breath, mindfulness, somatic release of trauma, guided meditations, curiosity, motivational interviewing, & more.
I believe to fuIly love one another we must understand, accept, and love ourselves. It's my honor to help you achieve self love and find empowerment in being authentic to improve your relationship with yourself and others. I'd be honored to talk with you and learn how I can be of service. You’re welcome to visit my website at www.janismckinstry.com for more information and I hope that you'll book a free discovery call so that we can explore how I can serve your growth.
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Schedule an appointment now
I'm based in Vancouver, WA and offer in-person and virtual appointments.