About Us

Our mission is to
make wellness
primary care

Access to information has given us the ability to make the best health decisions for ourselves - allowing us to break free from the conventional healthcare matrix that has left more than half of the US population in a state of chronic disease. A new model of healthcare is emerging that is holistic, personalized, and proactive. We are building the platform to advance this new model of healthcare, and to support the wellness practitioners who are providing this care.

We envision a world where primary medicine is natural medicine, and we’re on a mission to make that world a reality.

Max Coleman

Austin • TX

Meet the founder

My wellness journey began with chronic back pain as a teenager. The conventional system took me all the way to a top orthopedist at Johns Hopkins who told me that there was nothing wrong as I sat in his office in pain.

I knew there had to be a better way, and I decided to take my health into my own hands. Thanks to a personal referral from a friend, I began to find relief with holistic therapies like acupuncture and massage therapy. I also learned about nutrition and started experimenting with my diet. From there I discovered yoga, chiropractic, plant medicines and dozens of other therapies that helped me reverse my chronic pain and revive my wellbeing.

While my experience taking the wellness path was overwhelmingly positive, I knew it could be even better. Ever since then, I’ve been passionate about helping guide others along the wellness path, and in supporting wellness practitioners in sharing their gifts with the world.

We’re all part of an important shift, and I thank you for being part of this with us!