Are there any memory care alternative therapies?

Are there any memory care alternative therapies?

13 Answers

Tristan Summerfield, MA, CFNP
Experience your peak physical and mental vitality with my proven Holistic Diet Plan. Join over 400 people who have benefitted from my lessons. Go to

Hi Diana. Here are a few excellent natural substances that can boost memory. 1. Lion's Mane Medicinal Mushroom: see 2. Bacopa Herb: see

Noel D Aldrich
Helping you achieve your goals for health and energy using whole food plans for a healthy lifestyle.

A quality therapy that has good science behind it is the Bredesen Protocol for Alzheimer's Disease. This is a whole food program with specific supplements to address the metabolism related to Alzheimers. There are doctors who are certified in this protocol to assist you to develop a whole food plan and guide you toward improved health.

Rene (Ren) Dymond, LSHC
Reducing Stress Makes Our Lives More Enjoyable !

Diana, yes.
One of the most significant discoveries in the field of nutrigenomics is the ability to reduce oxidative stress effectively by neutralize ‘free radicals’ in the body at a rate of 1:1,00,000 every second, per second! That is unheard of in the past.
By using the synergy of herbs we can reduce oxidative stress & slow down the aging process. We are seeing unprecedented results in the body.
This is clinically proven in numerous private peer review studies on PubMed.
Contact me through my website to
learn more.
In Natural Wellness & to You,
Rene (Ren) Dymond, LSHC
Fluture Inc.

Larry Mangel
NAMA Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Vedic Counselor

Have you considered a pranayama and meditation practice? Kapalabhati Pranayama, translated as skull shining, is a beautiful practice

Betsy Lambert
I help you gain clarity on your next steps, achieve emotional resilience & freedom so that you can act on your inspired steps with ease and achieve breakthroughs towards your authentic goals.

I have recently discovered Acetyl-L-Carnitine and have found that it has cleared up my brain fog significantly. It’s worth a try and I buy it at Whole Foods.

Dr. Chris Paliszewski
Natural Health for Overachievers and Workaholics

One of the simplest solutions that often gets overlooked in regards to memory care is vitamin B12.

I support people on their healing and awakening journeys by helping them live with more embodied resonance through Fascia Awakening and spiritual healing.

Hi Diana,

I would recommend you looking into learning more about the fascia and its role in our cellular health. Movement within the fascial tissues, the body's connective tissues need to be moved more regularly than what we are accustomed to moving. Most movement practices are focused on muscles and bones, while practices like Qi Qong and what I teach, called fascial awakening embodiment practices, focuses on moving the tissues of the body.

Within the your body's tissues are the highways and pathways of your brain cell and body cell connections. When tissues in our body, from the face and head, down to the feet become numb and unable to feel sensation, while carrying tension and stress, fluids shut down from flowing and we suffer from neurodegeneration, impacting the shutdown of aliveness within the hippocampus, the region that monitors and stores the implicit memories within your subconscious. Moving the tissues is a way to regulate the subconscious, and awaken neurogenesis, the restoration of our human cells.

Some simple practices to begin with are the following:

- spread your fingers apart on an inhalation while squeezing your thumbs inside your fists on the exhale. You can do this with your arms out at a t-shape with palms rotated forward. Stretch from under your arms and through the front of your chest out to you fingers.
-squeeze thumbs inside your fist multiple of times with breath connection, the with the thumbs inside your fist roll your wrists in circles. the stagnant energy from frozen tissues can be uncomfortable. just sick with it and know it will pass with regular movement.
-massage your arms and hold each finger for 60-90 seconds with breath awareness and while focusing on feeling safe in your body, through the points of your body grounded in space.
- scrub your scalp and face tissues, be sure to get behind the ears too.
- bring a hand to the base of your head (the occiput) and draw the elbow out to the side, while then brushing from the front of your throat and neck to the back side. scrub into the upper back as well. to release, bring the elbow back in front of you and release the arm to the side.

These are focused on releasing tension in the upper back, chest, and head and face. Working in the hands and fingers is key in awakening the circulatory system for cellular connectivity to occur from the chest, arms and hands up to the head and brain.

Also, Lion's Mane, a mushroom supplement is great for restoring memory while also working wonders in the body's nerve cells. Ultimately our body's cellular health is connected to the hippocampus and how well our subconscious stores and remembers past experiences.

Wishing you well, let me know how the practice resonates!

May you see your body's worthiness in being cared for and felt.

With care,

Rene (Ren) Dymond, LSHC
Reducing Stress Makes Our Lives More Enjoyable !

Oxidative stress is the underlying cause of many age related stressors Diana. Science is clinically validating this. If you would like some information on how to slow the aging process down naturally using the science of nutrigenomics, message me.
In natural wellness & to you✨

Matthew Coles, Advance BWRT Practitioner
Experience the therapy of tomorrow!

Hi Diana

Thanks for your reply. There are many things that can contribute to short or long term memory loss. With that being said though it is good to understand the brain and how our minds work. The brain is a very finite organ in the which our conscious minds can only think and focus on a few things if not just one thing. Imagine your brain is this platter of food that fills up and in order to get rid of the food that is already on there you need to eat it or throw it away. Food is always going to be put on this platter, but the platter is only so big that it can't always catch or make room for the extra food that is coming and therefore the food falls off the platter because the platter is already full. Now it would not surprise me that the reason you, or someone you know, are having memory problems is because your brain (platter) is already full and it can't take on anything else at the moment. It needs to empty the platter. Now what is on that platter is anyones guess but in my experiences some of that food could be trauma (abuse-physically/sexually) Grief, Emotional Abuse. Some of the other foods could be limiting beliefs, anxiety, or an event that has not healed yet etc. Once you clear the food your brain can function better and take on more food or in this case have better memory retention because right now the brain is saying that these things on the plate need to be addressed and is giving more energy into healing from those things and doesn't want to give any energy to other memories that aren't important right now. It's literally screaming to that person, get this fixed now! I am tired of carrying this for so long. It is not serving me any more.
Now that being said, in my case that is majority of people, in some cases it could literally be a medical problem or a brain injury that has nothing to do with psychology. That is where a doctor is needed. However, in this case what I do is literally clear that platter with the modality that I do that could possibly help with short and long term memory. I would be more than happy to explain this in more detail with you and to see if its right for you. I hope that this helps in better understanding of how to go about it.

Consulting Hypnotist, Certified Hypnotherapist, Personal Success Coach

I am not sure what you are asking about memory care, but if you will clarify I may be able to answer your question. If you or someone you care about is having an issue with memory loss or dementia there are things you can do to mitigate the memory loss other than drugs.
Let me know by private post if you want a private answer or here, either way, I will do what I can to answer your question.

Consulting Hypnotist, Certified Hypnotherapist, Personal Success Coach

I am not sure what you are asking about memory care, but if you will clarify I may be able to answer your question. If you or someone you care about is having an issue with memory loss or dementia there are things you can do to mitigate the memory loss other than drugs.
Let me know by private post if you want a private answer or here, either way, I will do what I can to answer your question.

Lisa Day-Lewis

Yes, there are. Memory is associate with what we call vata dosha in Ayurveda, which are the air and ether elements.

Balancing vata will have likely help, and there are also herbs that can be prescribed to support both short term and long term memory.

I offer consultation for this and my supervisor mentor is able to prescribe herbs, so please reach out if you would like to learn more. Namaste!

Matthew Coles, Advance BWRT Practitioner
Experience the therapy of tomorrow!

Hi Diana

I saw your question and was curious as to what you mean by Memory Care. I may have an answer for you but I just wanted to get clarity as to what you are looking for.

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