How do I change from health seeker to practitioner

How do I change from health seeker to practitioner

6 Answers

Christian A. Gonzalez LMT

Healer Heal Thyself

Neil Hall
Pain relief, mobility improvement, migraine & headaches overcome, New location 1743 S 8th st. My son Kevin is now working with me.

Freeah I do not know your condition or age but I was somewhat in your position right after I reached retirement age and learned of the Bowenwork Technique and it has been the best retirement I could have ever expected because I have helped so many people and each time I help someone I feel better, I am still active as a Bowenwork Practitioner at 88 years of age.
The Bowenwork is a light bodywork that activates the bodies healing process and helps the body to return to normal. You can find more information by searching for Bowenwork on your computer or contact me, I am in Abilene, Tx.

River Benson
Learn the next step forward for your love life…

I sought out healing for myself and found I loved it so much I wanted to learn about it. As my path grew, I learned all that I could and used that to heal myself and others. I would suggest getting a coach if you want to go into business (find someone you resonate with over the long term). There are so many things about being in business that are not taught in classrooms such as coming in direct mirroring with your shadow self that having a coach/mentor is invaluable.
Enjoy the path,

Lauri Germain
Heilkunst homeopathy works like a time machine, by clearing the most recent trauma in your life, then working backwards in time.

What are you most interested in and drawn to? What would suit the lifestyle you prefer? I wanted to be a virtual practitioner, so homeopathy works best for me - skype or phone consultations with people internationally, then mail remedies. Wishing you well!

Laura Rose Boyle, LMT
Transformational healing through compassionate presence and expert bodywork

For me, I think that going to different practitioners and seeing what was most helpful and healing for me was a great way to experience the healing arts. I talked to people in my field about their profession, and enrolled in an introductory training that I really loved (I am a massage therapist). And I continue to explore various healing modalities and find that the ones that work well for me translate well into modalities that I love offering my clients, and I believe in them because they have done wonderful things for me. Best of luck to you!

Danielle Camastra

first, what do you want to practice? look into areas that interest you, that you believe in, perhaps some that you've used personally.

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