Minds often think they have to have all the answers themselves. They race, trying to satisfy an egoic suggestion like, "I have to be... I should have been... If things don't go this way then..." The mind needs a job. It LOVES a job! And without providing the mind with a job that actually serves you, it will look to whomever is offering suggestions...like the ego.
So, you can, if you wish, begin to take command of your mind and provide it the job of being aware of, or watching, the body.
The body is the mind's ally. It is the aspect of you that is never in the future and never in the past. The body has mastered the "present moment." So, mind...watch the body.
The body communicates through sensations. The mind's job is to recognize and interpret those sensations. The mind thinks it's feeling...but that is still thinking. It is the body that feels. So, mind...watch the body.
Your awareness is a catalyst of movement. When you take command of your awareness and give your mind the job of watching your wrist, for example, your awareness in your wrist will catalyze movement of energy. The body feels movement and communicates that feeling through sensations that the mind can interpret as "movement in my wrist." But the mind can't think it into happening, it needs to bring its awareness to the body. Mind, watch the body.
The priority here is to be aware of that energy, your life force, making itself evident through the body. Begin with your wrist to help the mind get familiar with what we're doing, familiar with the presence of feel in the body. Then, we can move awareness to the heart-center.
Mind, watch the body. Heart-center, open. Give your mind the job of noticing the sensations when you invoke your heart-center with awareness of the body. This is generating the innate connection of our living systems, the foundation behind mindfulness. When the mind has an appropriate job to do, it quiets itself right down! But because there is a habit of being distracted and hijacked, it can take some experiences, even just ten seconds at a time, being aware of the physicality before the mind begins to really see that "slow" is even a safe thing to do.
Ten seconds at a time, mind, watch the body. Start with a wrist. Play with the heart-center. The priority is for the mind to be aware of the body. It's great to play with this when you lay down to sleep. The body loves to sleep with the mind happily watching.
As you become more familiar with how simple yet profound this is, you begin to get creative with your awareness, you become more clear with your intuition and all of your systems become healthier. This is the foundation of integrating your higher consciousness into and through your physical world. It's all about bringing forward the presence of your heart in a way that the mind not only allows but begins to create space for. It's the gentlest, most inviting way I know to guide a busy mind into a different way of being.