I have a chronic cough after having severe bronchitis a year ago - especially when I try to eat at first I cough and sneeze and gag sometimes very harshly. why?

I have a chronic cough after having severe bronchitis a year ago - especially when I try to eat at first I cough and sneeze and gag sometimes very harshly. why?

I've been to ent's, pulmologists,others. No help.

5 Answers

Kevin Bennett
"Using Muscle testing, we can literally gain access to our body's internal computer system and find out where the imbalances are". -Dr Bradley Nelson. based upon the book called "the Emotion Code".

Have you got this resolved?

Kevin Bennett
"Using Muscle testing, we can literally gain access to our body's internal computer system and find out where the imbalances are". -Dr Bradley Nelson. based upon the book called "the Emotion Code".

for me I had similar and I found out it was more GERD. taking natural enzymes and probiotic. the acid was aggravating my throat

Terre McCue
The Healer's Apprentice

Hello Broebuck: Every problem that we encounter, be it emotional, physical, psychological, etc. has its roots in energy. In this dualistic world, there is "positive" and "negative" energy. There are ways of releasing negative energies that will enable the body to HEAL ITSELF. No one heals you, rather a healthy environment can be established within your energy field so that your body can do its own healing with its built-in immune system. It's quite panacea-like, in that the body does not distinguish between one imbalance over another, meaning that one is not harder or easier than another to correct.

Gregory Ashby
Are you living your Life Authentically? Or is a Autoimmune or Chronic Condition holding you back? Schedule a discovery call to find out more

Give me a text 385-206-7220

Gregory Ashby
Are you living your Life Authentically? Or is a Autoimmune or Chronic Condition holding you back? Schedule a discovery call to find out more

Hi Brocbuck,
Do you wake up coaching or with sore throat?

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