what is the natural way to control snoring

what is the natural way to control snoring

7 Answers

Rob Meyer-Kukan, LMT, STCP, NHE
Hear, see, and feel true wellness.

Craniosacral work can be very beneficial for snoring. Look for a practitioner who does craniosacral work in the mouth.

Dreana Nealon
Your body is an amazing machine that functions optimally with a quality lifestyle. I provide holistic tools scientifically shown to calm and uplift your mood, nourish and ease pain in your body!

A natural approach to snoring that I have found most helpful is a Respiratory Blend of essential oils all formulated for opening the airways for easier breathing. It is simple, safe, and economical. For snoring, we apply to the appropriate reflex points on the feet.
Another option is add 3 drops of this blend to a diffuser along with a relaxing essential oil like Lavender for a wonderful nights sleep!
If one is new to essential oil usage, be aware that they are not all created equal. We only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) standard of essential oils, because they are the most tested and most trusted brand.
For more information on the specific Respiratory Blend https://doterra.me/wXXgt7cU

Holistic Services & Organic Wellness Products

As a snorer who has kept my wife awake many nights, I have found that the moldable mouthpieces work very well. I also use adhesive nasal strips. I have tried numerous other remedies and devices that have not worked.

Chanel Walker, CLC
Promoting Mental Wellness through Inspirational Life Coaching. Speciality topics include Depression, Divorce Recovery and living well with Multiple Sclerosis.

I have a husband that snores like a bear most nights. His natural sleep position is on his back and that is when it is the loudest. It's truly the sleep position that aggravates the sound. I gently encourage him to sleep on his side and snoring instantly ceases! He has also benefited from nose strips but only the name brand (Breath Right) The generics don't work for him. Hope this helps and happy sleeping:-)

Ryan Neuwirt
I Help people acquire the skills and confidence to move and play freely to live without limits

Hi there, I'm a pretty fit person and If i sleep in the wrong position, I will literally shake the walls with my snoring.I recommend experimenting with side sleeping. Try having your head level, maybe two pillows under or one medium thickness pillow with your shoulder under it. and then another pillow between your knees if you want. I find that this really levels out my hips and feels good. Also, sleeping on your stomach will straighten out your airways and that will probably help. Use a very thin pillow though so as not to keep your neck extended. IF you have any more questions, Feel free to DM me on instagram @Ryan_moves

Author, Blogger, Body Code Practitioner and host of “Tools for a Peaceful Life.”

Many have found relief by using CPTG Thyme essential oil.

Are you tired of a bandaid approach to your health? Those approaches mask the symptoms without solving the root cause. Let me help you find the answer to true wellness.

Hi TS,
If the person is overweight, losing weight would be the first recommendation. Secondly is to look at overproduction of mucus in the body. If you switch to a mucus-free diet the weight should also come off. If you choose to go this direction, I am happy to advise.

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