What to eat, what to avoid with IBS-D?

What to eat, what to avoid with IBS-D?

8 Answers

Candace Foster
Our first form of health insurance is our food and our mind.

My first point of attack is to add a quality probiotic to your diet.

Then eliminate sugar, and processed foods. Often times people need more than this and will need to investigate more deeply to find food allergies or sensitivities. This often will mean an elimination diet for a few weeks and then gradually adding food s back one to a time in order to discover the problem foods.

In this situation, a health coach can be invaluable to keep you on track and help in the discovery process to your wellness journey.

Lisa Day-Lewis

Hello Razel,

As an Ayurvedic Health Counselor we recognize digestive issues as being a sign of ajeerna (indigestion) and IBS usually results when indigestion becomes chronic.

To address ajeerna there are many things one can do, but it does depend on an individual's unique constitution and dietary and lifestyle recommendations will vary.

If you would like a free 15-min consultion by phone please do not hesitate to reach out!

Brenda Hardwick
Your Angels are Waiting! You only have to ask!

Wow, so many really good suggestions here! I have IBS and as a Health Coach, I've tried many different remedies. What I found most helpful was to do a detox cleanse (the Lemonade detox is a good, inexpensive one; you can Google it). Once I completed this, I reintroduced foods, one at a time, beginning with steamed veggies, to see which ones triggered a reaction. I found that gluten was my primary trigger, but surprisingly also had issues with ANYTHING fried or cooked with Canola oil in it! After several years of total avoidance, I am now at a place that I can 'choose' when and where to be uncomfortable with IBS symptoms when I 'choose' to eat a bite of something I really want, but is typically not something I eat.
This is a Bio-individual issue. So, while there are many suggestions here that might work for you, you have to find which ones do and then follow that to the best of your ability. Remember, nothing is perfect, and being human means that we certainly aren't perfect either. Self-talk is important, so try not to beat yourself up when you 'choose' to eat something that might trigger you, especially if you really wanted to eat it!

Jennifer Gebhard, ANP, HNP, AHN-BC, RH(AHG)
Nexus Point is a practice whose purpose is to help the client find ways to connect their higher self and goals with where they currently.

I agree with all the answers thus far. I take a simple route first with my patients, asking them to stop all dairy products and go gluten free. People can be allergic to the casien protein in milk and or be lactose intolerant, when they don't have the enzymes to break down the milk sugar( lactose). There can be a connection for those who are both lactose sensitive and gluten sensitive. If you dont want to research all the gluten in foods, I have found the Paleo diet is fairly easy to follow and takes out many of the foods that can cause gastric distress, including beans. Adding a good quality probiotic that has at least nine probiotics combined with a prebiotic like FOS (fructooligosaccharides) is very helpful. Have you ever had IGg food allergy testing?

Cynthia Kemper

Hello, IBS-D can be caused by several imbalances within the body. Getting your gut microbiome healthy and avoiding gluten and GMO goods is very important. Finding the root imbalance of why this is going on in the first place is very beneficial. Therefore, you know which avenue to take to regain the health you are seeking.
Muscle testing and going through the body to find the correct imbalances so everything in your body can be tested will assist you in making an informed decision on what your body does need.

Taylor Deitrick
This approach addresses the root cause of symptoms and uses nutrient-dense food and lifestyle changes to bring the body back into balance.

Hi Razel,

You'll want to focus on eating softer veggies that have been steamed or roasted because they are easier to digest. If you do eat meat, opt for slow cooked proteins like beef and chicken that easily fall apart. So a slow cooker or instant pot are great tools to have. You'll want to avoid any raw veggies that are tough on the digestive system like broccoli, kale, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, peppers, carrots, etc. Grains and nuts are also something you will want to avoid, but if you do eat them you must make sure they are soaked and sprouted which will make them easier to digest. Gluten is also another big thing you'd benefit from avoiding for now. Depending on your symptoms, you may benefit from following an AIP or Low-FODMAP based diet.

Make sure you are chewing your food really well, 30-40 times per bite. Also make sure you are relaxed before each meal as you are only able to properly digest your food if you are in the parasympathetic state (rest + digest). Take 5 deep breaths before your meal or take a moment to be grateful for the food on your plate. Make sure you're not feeling rushed or eating on the go. These two things are vital for proper digestion.

I also recommend order a GIMAP stool test and MRT food sensitivity test through a qualified practitioner. The GIMAP will tell you if there are any pathogens, overgrowth of bacteria or fungi, inflammation, and how well you are digesting fat and carbohydrates. If there are any food sensitivities present, you'll want to address those as they can cause diarrhea and put major stress on the body.

Amber Stevens, LMT, NBHWC
I'm a mindful-based health coach and massage therapist helping others to tune into their bodies and minds for joy and wellness.

HI - oh, man, I've dealt with IBS-C myself. Have you tried the FODMAP diet? It's hard at first (highly restrictive) but by following it, I was able to find my trigger foods and how to avoid them. I highly suggest trying it out. Then, as you avoid triggers, work on healing the gut with gelatin (think bone broth but without onions), be careful taking magnesium since it can have a laxative effect on the system. Hope you get some relief!

Are you tired of a bandaid approach to your health? Those approaches mask the symptoms without solving the root cause. Let me help you find the answer to true wellness.

I would suggest you avoid all grains, nuts, and very fibrous vegetables unless well cooked. However in order to heal any kind of gut issue, you need to focus on fruit. Fruit is easily digested and will restore health to the digestive tract over time. Soft vegetables are also ok, like spring greens, tender leaf lettuce, cucumber, avocado. Avoid meat and dairy as well, since they are congesting to the lymphatic system and meat takes a long time to be digested, sitting in the colon and becoming a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

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