Can a chiropractic help me with my spring time allergies?
Seasonal Allergies
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Can a chiropractic help me with my spring time allergies?

2 Answers

Dr. Michael Weiner
Evidence based spinal corrective approach to align the spine and posture into its proper position to improve health.

It all depends what is causing your allergies. I have noticed that when I correct the cervical curvature of the spine, this improves the nerve function/immune system, which increases the chance of having allergies. I have seen it a lot with my patients personally, especially when utilizing the most research and evidence based chiropractic technique called Chiropractic biophysics.

Frankie Giustino

As a temporary fix and with consistency, in my opinion, coming from someone who enjoys chiropractic care. You're better off working on the immune system and patching up any issues involving such. Be preventative with allergies by finding a solution instead of a band-aid.

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