I have Raynaud’s disease and my doctor tells me to wear gloves and socks. Is there something else I can do to help?
Raynaud's Disease

I have Raynaud’s disease and my doctor tells me to wear gloves and socks. Is there something else I can do to help?

17 Answers

Tristan Summerfield, MA, CFNP
Experience your peak physical and mental vitality with my proven Holistic Diet Plan. Join over 400 people who have benefitted from my lessons. Go to https://holisticdietplan.com

I struggled with Raynaud's until my mid twenties and then had it completely reversed by regular infrared sauna therapy! Do a search for far infrared sauna therapy near you to see if there is a local center that has one you can use. Many studies with infrared sauna therapy have shown improvement in circulation. See here for more details: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5941775/ Another idea is to consume high quality cacao (ideally organic and shade grown in it's native environment such as Central and South America). I like the products from TerraSoul.com. Multiple studies have shown that cacao can increase NO (nitric oxide) in the blood which dialates the blood vessels and should help with blood flow to your extremities. See this study for more details: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5539137/ Hope that helps!

Ashley Hendrickson

That is an autoimmune condition. Diet and gut health are HUGE to manage this. AIP if you aren't doing that already. High dose fish oil, GLA, CBD. Assess gut health and stress management.


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I also have Reynauds, and like some others mentioned, I notice I have not been bothered with it as much recently. The things I found that made it worse (besides cold, of course) were caffeine, and stress. Both of which will restrict blood from the extremities. Even inside my home, sometimes my toes and fingers would turn white and go numb. For about a year now, I've been taking a tumeric supplement, and I think it has helped the reynauds (even though I was not taking it for that) So, a couple of simple suggestions - try adding tumeric with black pepper supplement, and practice some form of meditation, with imagery of warm hands and feet. If you practice the imagery often enough, when you are experiencing the effects of reynauds, you can call on it in the moment to help the symptoms.

Laura L. Griffith Garland, PhD
Quantum Alchemy Life Coach

Here's a very different approach to dealing with Raynaud's. I developed it after an extreme fever when I was five. However, once I became attuned to Reiki, I have found I can heat my hands whenever I want. It has helped immensely. My feet are still occasionally problematic, but when I remember to focus the Reiki on my feet; they warm up.

When we uncover your trauma, lab test for physiological huddles, & learn through coaching you have real choices, you transform your life!

You can use these things to help relieve on your symptoms, however you're body is trying to tell you something isn't quite right. Finding the root cause of your Raynaud’s is very important as it has a high association to connective tissue autoimmune disease such as lupus and sclerodema. Gut health, mental health and food intolerance is a great place to start. Once these underlying causes are addressed, you'll start to see your symptoms decrease, and go away all together!

This can all be done in the comfort of your home, please let me know if you have questions and if I can be of help.

Lauri Germain
Heilkunst homeopathy works like a time machine, by clearing the most recent trauma in your life, then working backwards in time.

Homeopathy can address the deeper underlying causes of why the disease manifested. Let me know if I can help!

Laura Rose Boyle, LMT
Transformational healing through compassionate presence and expert bodywork

Have you ever experienced an amethyst biomat? The infra red heat can be helpful for increasing the core body temperature and increasing circulation.

Paty LeBaron
Understanding where our symptoms come from and addressing the cause for better quality of life.

I would recommend Hot & Cold water soaks therapy... if you would like to know more please message me.

Holly Ladd
The greatest wealth is health.

Hi, I have Raynaud's too - the only symptom left after reversing my autoimmune condition. I have been taking Cayenne Extract this winter which seems to have made my overall body temperature warmer, thus my Raynaud's better. I too wear mittens and use hand warmers in the extreme cold for protection. I find it tends to be worse in air conditioned spaces too, so I always have a sweater/jacket with me. I have also heard of people using biofeedback for help, but I have no personal experience with it. Best of luck!

Licensed Psychologist in California, Health & Behavior Coach

I found that exercise made my Raynaud's worse. That was years ago when I had a leaky gut. Once I healed my gut, my Raynaud's went away by 90%. Something to consider.

Plant Yourself Healthy
Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition Consultants

I developed Reynaud's from taking Topiramate for a 6 month period as a trial for migraines! Yikes. I have found also that exercise helps a bit, and with the horrific cold we're feeling right now in the Northeast, using hand and food warmers is helpful.

Plant Yourself Healthy
Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition Consultants

I developed Reynaud's from taking Topiramate for a 6 month period as a trial for migraines! Yikes. I have found also that exercise helps a bit, and with the horrific cold we're feeling right now in the Northeast, using hand and food warmers is helpful.

Plant Yourself Healthy
Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition Consultants

I developed Reynaud's from taking Topiramate for a 6 month period as a trial for migraines! Yikes. I have found also that exercise helps a bit, and with the horrific cold we're feeling right now in the Northeast, using hand and food warmers is helpful.

Plant Yourself Healthy
Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition Consultants

I developed Reynaud's from taking Topiramate for a 6 month period as a trial for migraines! Yikes. I have found also that exercise helps a bit, and with the horrific cold we're feeling right now in the Northeast, using hand and food warmers is helpful.

Danielle Camastra

Hi. I had Reynaud's also. But have not had symptoms in decades. I quit smoking (which is a huge contributing factor) and continued to exercise as often as possible, cleaned up my diet and do some deep breathing to help emphasize circulation to the distal regions (fingers & toes). And of course dress appropriately for the cold weather. Good luck.

Tara Baxendale
Reiki - a modality for mind/body/spirit. In-person and online appointments available.

I second the efficacy of mittens over gloves for Raynaud's.

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Stay warm 😜. I also have it too. One of the things I read was taking a large dose of niacin (B3), with your doctor's approval. This dilates your blood vessels, allowing more blood in them. This can also cause a "Niacin Flush" causing the skin to turn red, but it's harmless. Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin, so your body doesn't store it.

I've found gloves to be pretty useless when it's cold. Mittens are much better as the fingers stay warmer because they're together instead of separate. I'll wear gloves down to about 40°F, below that I need mittens to keep my hands healthy. Look into compression socks of gloves, as that can help too.

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