What can I do to improve circulation in my hands and wrists?

What can I do to improve circulation in my hands and wrists?

7 Answers

Michael Vasquez
My name is Michael and I offer Counseling/Qigong/Tai Chi/Yi Jin Jing Study and Training and Teacher Certification programs.

In the realm of Qigong/Tai Chi/Yoga, your question is simple to answer; practice any of these three Internal Arts and you are in direct connection to your 3 main circulations: breath/blood/energy. These Arts are the best therapeutic practices on the planet and are now easily available. Let me know if you want to know more, these is so much valuable info about ourselves that opens up from regular practice experiences.

Kevin Bennett
"Using Muscle testing, we can literally gain access to our body's internal computer system and find out where the imbalances are". -Dr Bradley Nelson. based upon the book called "the Emotion Code".

which also means overall the circulation in the body is compromised. exercise/cardo. start slow. meditation/ or yoga. I could also muscle test you so the body can reveal the underlying issues. suggest supplements There may be also some emotional/ trapped emotions contributing to it

Pamela Wake, Master Certified Health Coach
I use a client-centered health coaching style that supports and empowers individuals to uncover their strengths and collaborate with them in creating and achieving their wellness goals.

Doing daily massage along the fingers, joints and palms of your hands and wrists with a Gua Sha tool, a spoon or bottle lid will create good micro-circulation in the tissue, muscles and joints of the hand. Specifically, applying pressure in the fleshy pad between the thumb and pointer finger opens up the hand and arm. It is where an Master Acupuncture point is and is always used in a treatment. I hope this helps!

Naturopathic and Chinese Medicine Doctor

In addition to the excellent answers already given I'll add that circulation to the extremities in general is often restricted by an excessive fight or flight response in the sympathetic nervous system, where a certain amount of stress is constantly present and this constricts the small blood vessels in the extremities. Learning stress reduction techniques and dealing with any underlying trauma is often necessary to fully open up the circulation.

Tristan Summerfield, MA, CFNP
Experience your peak physical and mental vitality with my proven Holistic Diet Plan. Join over 400 people who have benefitted from my lessons. Go to https://holisticdietplan.com

Hi Max, I struggled with a condition called Raynaud's Phenomenon (where blood doesn't flow optimally to the extremities) until my mid twenties and then had it completely reversed by regular infrared sauna therapy! Do a search for far infrared sauna therapy near you to see if there is a local center that has one you can use. Many studies with infrared sauna therapy have shown improvement in circulation. See here for more details: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5941775/

Another idea is to consume high quality cacao (ideally organic and shade grown in it's native environment such as Central and South America). I like the products from TerraSoul.com. Multiple studies have shown that cacao can increase NO (nitric oxide) in the blood which dialates the blood vessels and should help with blood flow to your hands and wrists.

See this study for more details: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5539137/

Hope that helps!

Dr. Michael Weiner
Evidence based spinal corrective approach to align the spine and posture into its proper position to improve health.

Great question. I agree with Tina as it is hard to know what is causing that - whether it is because of a nutritional deficiency, metabolic disorder, etc. In regards to how I help people with those problems, I find that if the nerves - especially in the neck - are not working properly, this will decrease the ability of them to be able to vasoconstrict/vasodilate. That means that, your body will have a hard time being able to get blood flow to the extremities - such as the arms/hands and legs/feet. In a general sense, I help a lot of patients with that when I identify any misalignments of the spine through a proper exam and X-ray by biomechanical assessment. When the spine is aligned - more specifically it would be the neck and/or upper back to your question - then the nerves are able to allow proper blood flow and improve circulation. I hope this helps.

Tina BQ Tran
Your better emotional health awaits. Don't let negative emotions such as anxiety, stress, grief, anger, or other negative situations such as trauma, depression, PTSD, emotional eating hold you back.

Hello Max,
Without knowing the background info why this question is being asked, it's rather hard to provide an answer that would be beneficial to your specific situation. As such, I invite you to read this article (3-minute read) https://www.webmd.com/dvt/ss/slideshow-dvt-improve-circulation. I hope it helps.

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