What are some natural remedies for asthma?

What are some natural remedies for asthma?

9 Answers

Sonia Bhatia, MBA, INHC
I am a health coach who works with you to change your lifestyle through diet and nutrition to feel your best!

Vitamin D. Supports immune function. People taking Vitamin D according to studies suffered fewer attacks. Other vitamins that help are B vitamins (b3 and B12), Vitamin C, Zinc and Magnesium.

Maralynn Johnson BSc/LMT
I have been a LMT since 2003, and completed my Bachelors in Complementary and alternative medicine. I am also a Reiki Master.

When my youngest was 2 he was diagnosed with asthma. I pleaded with his doctor and expected more in-depth testing be performed as he was to young to be on (what I considered) adult medicine. I was very couscous I what I allowed him to take. With him being admitted to the hospital on a few different occasions, I took him to be tested for allergies, then I found that my “gut instinct” was correct. He didn’t have asthma, but he had an allergy to mold. My husband and I gutted our bathrooms, and to my surprise (not really) his breathing improved. He had a severe reaction to the mold in our house. His doctor still refused to listen as I told him many times “every time I bring him for my other children’s well visit, he would have an attack” I had to fire this doctor and bring my children to a newer building. Any way after I brought him back to the allergist for a follow up, the allergist asked me how I was treating his condition? My answer was I used the nebulizer and rescue remedies when in need. But then I found that a dose of pleurisy root tincture in water, also I found that the nebulizer filled with a high ph water. I found this was a nice rescue remedy without the side effects of steroids. The allergist asked how this was working? He also told me to continue with my findings.
I do want those who has a child that suffers from this condition to contact their doctors and do your own digging on what you feel is best for your child. This is not in any way a cure all. But know your environment and your child. I hope you find your answers and much luck!!!

Deborah Picou
Through hypnosis clients heal themselves and find answers. With Emotion Code we release trapped emotions causing discomfort and problems.

For most of my life terrible allergies plagued me and led to life threatening asthma for decades. When I became Certified Practitioner of The Emotion Code, my first patient was me. My first task was to eliminate my debilitating allergy to cats and the resultant asthma. The first session released the trapped emotions which led to the allergy. Both the allergy & the asthma disappeared. It’s been over 1 year since that session and I’m still allergy and asthma free. It’s worth checking to see if trapped emotions are at the root.

Maralynn Johnson BSc/LMT
I have been a LMT since 2003, and completed my Bachelors in Complementary and alternative medicine. I am also a Reiki Master.

When my son was a baby. He was hospitalized on three different occasions. His doctor diagnosed my youngest with asthma. I had given him the rescue inhaler, and the singular for a short period of time. Just until he was out of the woods. This was a horrible time and with my son so young. I felt that there had to be another method of healing. So I did lots of research and from what I found is that he had an allergy to mold. My husband and I gutted both bathrooms and to no surprise him lungs cleared, except when I brought him to the doctors for his older siblings appointments. Again he would start wheezing and coughing. I told the doctor that he has to have mold in his building. Needless to say I had to fire the doctor. So what I did instead of pharmaceuticals I found that pleurisy root and the nebulizer was very useful too. I found a high pH water and put the water into the nebulizer cup. He was better in a matter of minutes and with no side effects.

Dr. Michael Weiner
Evidence based spinal corrective approach to align the spine and posture into its proper position to improve health.

Here is a blog I wrote about Asthma. I hope this helps! https://www.optimalspineandbody.com/blog/2020/2/23/asthma

If there are any misalignments in your neck and possibly upper back, that can be identified properly by specific X-rays to see if you any alignment issues. Misaligned spines will decrease the nerves working properly and then affect the way your body will respond to an outside stress (asthma response). This would be great to do in addition to changing your nutrition and lifestyle approaches!

Marian Mitchell
I help people with diagnosed illness(es) implement their treatment plan effortlessly so they can regain their health quickly.

As a former severe asthmatic, I'm excited to share with you what has worked for me. First is to make sure you have your air ducts and carpets professionally cleaned. You need to remove the things that can trigger the cough reflex and stimulate mucus production. Next up is to get an IgG/IgA test to find your food sensitivities and then promptly remove those foods from your diet and cleaning products (if applicable). Third, sleeping with a cool-mist humidifier during the dry season (like winter when the heater is blowing). Fourth, taking NAC to help ensure the lungs has the antioxidants it needs. It is a huge bonus if you eat very clean (lots of fresh produce and little processed foods) and minimize dairy intake. I hope this helps!

Maralynn Johnson BSc/LMT
I have been a LMT since 2003, and completed my Bachelors in Complementary and alternative medicine. I am also a Reiki Master.

Pleurisy root, and high pH water in nebulizer.

I am an Alexander technique practitioner combining various somatic practices to support you in accessing your innate freedom, balance, ease of movement, and coordination throughout your life.

FM Alexander, the inventor of the Alexander Technique greately relieved if not eliminated his symptoms of asthma. I have worked with clients on breathing and finding ease in spite of their restrictions.

Asthma is often caused by a hyper-active immune system and can also be affected by spinal mis-alignments that disrupt the communication of your nervous system leading to improper function of the various parts of your body. Chiropractic is designed to aid your body by reducing tension in your nervous system, which can cause many adverse health effects. I would recommend you see a chiropractor if you aren't already. I have had/seen many cases of reduction and even elimination of asthma symptoms while under chiropractic care. I hope this helps!

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