What's the best juice to drink early in the morning?

What's the best juice to drink early in the morning?

I drink a lot of coffee, but I would like to start drinking more juice and less coffee. So what juices could I swap the coffee for?

6 Answers

Lynn M. Cameron

First liquid of the day for me is a glass of very warm water and juice of half a fresh lemon. Seasonal favorite is 'Meyers' lemons. Does anyone have info I might need about a Meyers lemon?

Eating well means choosing the right nutrient dense foods the earth has to offer.

Another option is to try a coffee alternative like roasted dandelion root. I make a dandelion root chai with almond milk that is a great morning drink.

Robert Alexander
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Fresh pressed juice works wonders! A combination of veggie and fruit juice is great!

Liza Baker

Another idea would be to eat a lot of veggies for breakfast—that way you'd the micronutrients AND the fiber and minimize the burst of sugar (yes, I know it's natural, it's still a whopping dose of sugar first thing in the morning unless you're focusing on greens. One of my favorite ways to eat veggies for breakfast is to use up leftovers—either straight up or in a scramble—egg or tofu.

Angel Moon

Also do a strong look at the carbs/sugars you're going to ingest with the juice. I'm all about juices, with blueberry/pomegranate being my favorite ... however, I've also learned to mix some into sparkling water, rather than drink it full-on. We aren't actually aware of how much sugar we're consuming until we really start paying attention to it.

A "normal" rule of thumb via the USDA recommends consuming no more than 10% of your daily calories from sugars; if your calorie intake is at 2000/day, that means no more than 200/day from sugars, recommended. That's the equivalent of ONLY 12 teaspoons a day ... when you start adding up all the places we get "unknown" or unwanted sugars -- everything from milks to sauces to gravies -- that can add up quickly.

Minal Rajan, NTP
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I would say start your day with warm water. Next Add lemon juice / Apple Cider Vinegar. Beet juice is great for liver flush and mixed with greens and some berries can be a powerful anti-oxidant boost to carry you thru the day. I prefer juices to be used as anti-oxidants, cleansing and refreshing. Apples, limes, lemons, cucumbers, greens, beets, tomatoes, carrots and ginger, turmeric, cilantro are all fabulous to throw in any any combination of your choice to juice and drink in the morning.

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