Hi Michelle, With a therapeutic approach of molding the connection tissue/myofascial network in a very specific directionality, the spines natural curves can begin restoring themselves which can QUICKLY release pressure . First addressing the fullness in the Thoracic ribcage, the Primary curve of the spine, can help redistribute body weight and balance the load. Few modalities approach internal space or aligning around a broadening ribcage which can ultimately be the most important space for organ function, respiration, & allowing the spine to hold itself up with effortless ease- all of which would help restore space in between discs which is a non-invasive healing approach for pinching & numbness/tingling. I teach a therapeutic alignment which allows the muscular/soft tissue network to tone in a uniformly balanced way, across the entire skeleton. This model of ‘tensegrity’ takes unnecessary pressure off the entire joint system, including each spinal vertebrae, and allows for a more suspended LIGHTNESS throughout the entire structure, this actually kicks off a systemic healing cascade so the body begins to regulate itself. My clients are amazed at how quickly they get results AND how they learn such basic ways of moving through space - think sit, stand, walk all day long with this alignment- which unlike a workout or a chiropractic session, stays with you outside of the gym & off the table to change & train your normal day to day movement patterning. Reach out if you are curious to know more. My approach is a game changer, hands down.