Physical therapy for carpal tunnel?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Physical Therapy

Physical therapy for carpal tunnel?

8 Answers

Lauri Germain
Heilkunst homeopathy works like a time machine, by clearing the most recent trauma in your life, then working backwards in time.

The homeopathic remedy called Ruta can be very effective to treat carpal tunnel. Also addressing any underlying emotions can help to bring relief. Let me know if I can be of further help. Take care.

Christian A. Gonzalez LMT

Facilitated Pathways Intervention.

Carolina Gutierrez
I approach each patient as a whole person, always listen to their particular necessities, pain, and complaints. The first visit with each patient includes a detailed, thoroughly evaluation.

Myofascial release is a complete body approach to the body, it releases restrictions that may caused body misalignments, resulting in pain. If you are interested in more detailed info you can check my website

Carolina Gutierrez
I approach each patient as a whole person, always listen to their particular necessities, pain, and complaints. The first visit with each patient includes a detailed, thoroughly evaluation.

Carpal tunnel is a fascial structure that is why it should be treated with myofascial release, I completely agree with Timothy about that it has to be treated with a whole body approach. We always have to approach every illness as a whole body problem, we are a unit not assembled body parts, healing is a whole person journey.

Carmella Foster
If you’re looking for a professional massage therapist, you’ve come to the right place.

Massage Therapy can help in many cases of Carpal Tunnel. I have had many clients whom have come to me for carpal tunnel and other conditions leading up to carpal tunnel. Getting your arms worked on at least once a month can reverse in many cases the build up to Carpal Tunnel.

We provide an array of alternative treatments, and design personalized integrative programs and resources that enhance many aspects of healt

I've had great success treating carpal tunnel syndrome. As stated by other practioners, the correction may be related to an undiagnosed condition that is the root cause of the presenting symptom. That's why I prefer completing a whole body approach involvinga postural exam and 8 major body systems including the brain using mechanical link and Bodytalk ( The approach is comprehensive in nature which encompasses mind, body, spirit (emotions, genetic coding, familial patterns of behavior etc)

Carl Anderson
Your Gateway to Emotional Well-Being

I have had at least a dozen clients who were diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome by their doctors. Two were even scheduled to have surgery. As it turned out, none of them had carpal tunnel syndrome. It was thoracic outlet syndrome, which is easily treated with Neuromuscular Therapy and Deep Tissue.

Sue Mix

carpel tunnel may be treated with manual therapy to unwind the twist that may occur in the arm from daily activities such as computer/mouse use, twisting wrist while using tools etc....

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