What is your meaning of importance? As in mandatory? Yikes!
You are the decider of what is important to you! And you can even change your mind!
So without much detail in your question, it is impossible to state that one is more important because each person has a personal view of it. Hence, judgment can have many meanings, just like curiosity.
The bottom-line, you make curiosity or judgment significant in the moment. Are you feeling judgemental yet? Well, if you have a bit of curiosity, read onward.
Judgment is a psyche perception to navigate our social and environmental terrain. It can be turned inward, or it can be turned outward, but judgment comes from the same place as curiosity. Both are an aspect of the psyche. That is mostly it, I think!
Of course, judgment is often defined as a defense mechanism. This aligns with various disciplines, including classically trained clinicians. But judgment can be much more than a condition to be rid of or a disorder to treat. It can be a measurement of one's own progress in life. However, when judgment has positive connotations, it is usually called insight or emotional intelligence. This might be the other side of judgment. It is a hunch, and you are the decider for yourself about it.
In the blandest view, judgment is nothing more than comparison (i.e., measuring two or more factors), and it usually results in a positive or negative perspective that influences living. The attorney, Max Ehrmann, said it eloquently in his 1927 pose poem, Desiderata:
"Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time."
It wouldn't be fair to put judgment below or above curiosity as a standard convention from my purview. That is called conventional wisdom! Instead, each has value in an equitable way. My guess, whichever one has the greater insight, would be my hint for taking the lead.
Briefly, curiosity and judgment go hand in hand. Both are, more or less, a surfacing perception of the mind. Once thoughts come into conscious view, it soon becomes a reality.
Thank you for your question.