I am happy to announce my next Find Your Happiness Workshop being held on May 8, 15 and 22, 2018 from 7-9 pm at Perennial - Yoga, Wisdom, Community. This workshop is a guide for everyday living. You'll learn a variety of tools to help navigate the challenges of life with resiliency starting with the science of positive psychology and weaving together this science with spiritual practices. My approach combines ancient wisdom with modern science to create synergy of the mind, body and spirit... spiritual concepts and hard-core science based evidence. This workshop series is designed for those who wish to obtain an understanding of how to bring sustained happiness into their life. How to build resilience to handle the challenges of life with more grace and ease. The first session will cover an overview of new and exciting research on the science of happiness, how the brain handles negative versus positive information, the impact of our words and thoughts on our well-being, the advantages of positivity and how society’s current model for happiness is backward. You’ll learn some simple, yet life-changing, key habits for raising your baseline for happiness. The second session will delve deeper into how we can navigate the challenges of life with resilience and grace and get to the other side without getting stuck in the muck. You’ll hear about current research on stress and anxiety and how to better manage, redefine and reframe it. We’ll also learn about the role forgiveness plays in our happiness and how to strengthen your forgiveness muscle. The third session will give you even more tools for your toolbox on how to sustain happiness through life’s challenges. We’ll discuss the important role of empathy and compassion in leading a life of sustained happiness. We'll also explore how to inspire happiness in others. Registration for this 3-part series is $90. Please email me at http://www.bravingthehotmess.com/ to register or if you have any questions. Feel free to share it with your family and friends. I would love to have you join me!