How do I achieve financial wellness?
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How do I achieve financial wellness?

This time of year has so much spending and giving, which are both amazing parts of life, but I always feel unstable in my income and financial worth. I always want more money, and my desires for more experiences and objects is always just above the amount of money I am earning. How can I bring these factors into alignment and achieve financial wellness?

10 Answers

I help Business Women achieve Success, breakthrough obstacles & old beliefs systems that hold them back in life - Subconscious Mind Therapy

As a Rapid Transformational Therapist, mentored by Britian's Best Therapist, my clients are enjoying the break through they experience from eradicating their negative limiting financial belief systems acquired over the years that keep them stuck from achieving their upgraded goals. RTT helps you identify the root cause of your of your money beliefs, interrupt and disrupt the limiting meaning in your subconscious mind that is no longer serving you. Plant new money belief systems and provide you with a bespoke personal recording to listen to for +21 days to transform your familiar thought process to new upgraded unfamiliar beliefs about money. As a success coach I help set smart goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, reliable and time bound. listening to your recording daily at bedtime helps to reprogram your mind with repetition to act on your new smart goals. Call me for a free no obligation chat.

I help Business Women achieve Success, breakthrough obstacles & old beliefs systems that hold them back in life - Subconscious Mind Therapy

As a Rapid Transformational Therapist, mentored by Britian's Best Therapist, my clients are enjoying the break through they experience from eradicating their negative limiting financial belief systems acquired over the years that keep them stuck from achieving their upgraded goals. RTT helps you identify the root cause of your of your money beliefs, interrupt and disrupt the limiting meaning in your subconscious mind that is no longer serving you. Plant new money belief systems and provide you with a bespoke personal recording to listen to for +21 days to transform your familiar thought process to new upgraded unfamiliar beliefs about money. As a success coach I help set smart goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, reliable and time bound. listening to your recording daily at bedtime helps to reprogram your mind with repetition to act on your new smart goals. Call me for a free no obligation chat.

Rebecca Abraxas
Remember Your Greatness! Beautiful journeyer, are you ready for your next step in your awakening journey- to feel happy for no reason, to open your awareness, and to grow in unconditional love?

When I hear this question I am brought back to a comment one of my teachers made, "A money problem is not a money problem" Gary Douglas.

Is there something around worthiness or self-worth that sits in your subconscious? Or is there an old strategy that makes never having enough that worked for you way back when? Or is there a belief from the past that might have been family members that vibrationally stuck with you and now you feel in a choiceless reality around money? I've noticed exploring questions like this have helped me open up more possibilities with money in my life.

The cool thing about Reiki is that sometimes it can bring possibilities and upgrade your psyche to the present moment by releasing things in your subconscious. Sometimes they don't even have to be brought to the conscious level, you 'll notice that certain patterns just are not there any more.

Corrin Gibbs Burke
I help women and couples discover clarity, balance and understanding around money and their personal relationship with it.

Hi Anders,
This is such a layered question and not one that can be easily answered here. But I will try and give some helpful and insightful information.
As Alyse mentioned in her comment, a lot of what we feel about money stems from a very young age. We actually hard wire our brains from a very young age and are little sponges recording everything and then it plays out when we become adults. While some parents may teach the practical side of money, kids are are actually absorbing the emotional side as well. Kids can tap into the unspoken and unsaid. For example, you my have a parent saying everything is fine and ok, but their body language, side glances to the other parent ect. can be felt. You have parents telling kids no constantly, money doesn't grow on trees ect. Some parents may use money as a reward not linked to a job and if the child does not do "good enough" they do not receive it. This can directly affect self worth, i.e. financial worth, not good enough ect. The other important thing to note is how important it is to have a spiritual connection to something great than self, whether it be God, Universe, Buddha or whomever it is you pray to. Self worth, i.e. financial worth begins on the inside and is directly related to how connected you are to something greater. When that connection grows it should help to heal the instability you are feeling in your income and financial worth and achieve the financial wellness you seek. I have a quiz you can take and offer a complementary Money Quiz Consultation if that is something you would like to participate in please let me know. Good luck Anders on your journey to financial wellness!

Alyse Rothenberg
Let me help you root your mind body and soul for optimized health

I have been there myself and seems its the usual in how I feel. Those feelings and experiences can change once your mindset of money changes and your beliefs about money. Think back to when you were a kid, what did you learn about money and finances from your parents? How did they view money? was it something that was scarce? Those views and how you experienced and observed money at a young age is the building blocks for how your deep seeded views on money are. Are you feeling now like you can never get ahead? Have you ever heard the thinking mindset of think it and you can create it? You can create your abundance. Reacquaint yourself with money now as an adult. What views do you want to have about it? Think I am abundant (even if you are not) you will notice how things shift and how money is created like maybe you get a raise, or something gives you money, or you get a bonus ect..create a budget for yourself, the visual helps a lot and helps you keep accountable. Meet with a financial advisor to help you get started. Create a vision board for yourself, it's amazing what this can do. Not only is it a daily visual reminder of something you want and a goal but creating this type of energy is quite amazing as well. I suggest looking up vision boarding and what it can do for you. I'm happy to talk more with you if you'd like,

Cameron Rayne Higdon
If you’re looking for a professional massage therapist, you’ve come to the right place.

Anders, you are not alone; I have felt that way myself. What I have found with the second business that I own, is that by helping others i can help myself, but its about others first, not me. It is very fulfilling to not only see others change their health but also financial wellness if they chose. Either way its a sense of helping others and then it also helps me. If you'd like to know more, Im happy to share. Also mentioned in other comments it really does depend on your views on money and wealth, any mental blocks holding you back, but also attitude of gratitude is a great place to start- what you have might be greater than what you think you need. God Bless.

Machelle Glassburn
The purpose of Hypnotherapy is to utilize the power of your mind in order to bring about profound changes in thoughts and behaviors.

You may have a subconscious block to success or to allowing yourself to receive. You may have a subconscious program that has you believing money is evil. It always amazes me how our subconscious beliefs have so much power to affect our physical reality. You could try a hypnosis session to access your subconscious beliefs and remove any resistance to receiving and keeping money. I believe that in order to make our desires into our reality we have to use a multi-pronged approach and you've received a lot of really good suggestions, I hope they help!

Christine is a Speaker, Coach, and Mom. She combines Ho'oponopono, Emotion Code, Tapping, and Healy work to help Single Women ages 35-55 to reset, recover, and RESTORE abilities after hardship.

Anders you've already been given a few options here, all good, but one thing more I might add...

Spending some time each day expressing gratitude for what you have - both the experiences you've been able to have already, as well as your material and non-material possessions, can help you to achieve more balance in this area.

You brought up a good point regarding this "time of year" - when we spend a lot of time trying to purchase gifts for others or ourselves, we are focused on what is lacking in our lives. It is great to fill a need for others with our giving - or have a need or want filled for ourselves. But this focus can make us feel dissatisfied with what we have, and our wish lists continue to grow as we think of that one more thing that would have been nice to have. There is always something more we could use, or something more that would be fun to have.

Bringing our thoughts and focus back to gratitude for what we have can shift this focus and help us feel better about where we are at in life - regardless of how much we have. We can see the abundance in our lives without losing motivation for growth.

Agree, coffeequeen101! There's an online master in this area who blogs about this very topic. His name is Mr. Money Moustache and he is very helpful in getting you to see ways you can save BIG money by buying what you need in a cost effective way. He's my "go to" guy for questions like "Which cell phone service is the best value?" "Rent vs buy?" "What about the whole insurance question?" "Do I really need a car?"

Google him and read some of his blog. You may find some priceless advice!

Amanda Hanson
I’m an energy healer and channel who helps clients find clarity, balance, and alignment to feel empowered and vibrant.

Hi Anders, this time of year can be difficult with the increased flow of giving and receiving. Belief systems that we acquire from our families and society, along with self-imposed beliefs from our experiences, impact our alignment, or misalignment, with who we really are. These beliefs can be directly related to finances but can also be related to a number of other aspects, such as freedom or self worth, which can also impact the flow of financial abundance. Becoming aware of our true, deep desires can help us find alignment more quickly but that is not always easy. Meditation, journaling, and self care help with alignment and finding yourself. Seeking help from professionals can also be beneficial to help get on the right track for you to take over for yourself. I, for example, offer a service combining BodyTalk and intuitive channeling. BodyTalk can help reset and release unhelpful belief systems to allow for deeper alignment with one's core self. This along with the intuitive channeling can bring clarity and amazing growth. My sessions are distance, or remote, through the phone or video messaging. I hope this helps you find some direction on your amazing, healing journey! Happy Holidays!

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