Will acupuncture help a frozen shoulder?
Frozen Shoulder

Will acupuncture help a frozen shoulder?

5 Answers

Acupuncture for Pain & Stress Related Disorders

Yes - acupuncture can help frozen shoulder and chronic shoulder pain.

I commonly see very tight shoulder muscles in frozen shoulder patients. This can include any of the muscles that attach to the shoulder. My approach to this condition involves using a combination of traditional acupuncture points as well as incorporating trigger point release in any muscles that are involved.

I generally look for knots or trigger points in the following muscles:

infraspinatus, deltoid, scalene, supraspinatus, pectoralis major/minor, biceps, corachobrachialis, and latissimus dorsi.

Releasing any tension in these muscles will help reduce shoulder pain and increase range of motion because they all attach into the shoulder area. When a muscle is tight it pulls on the attaching structures which can result in pain and restricted range of motion.

Approach the WHOLE YOU releasing chronic & systemic compensation patterns for lifelong healing. Remove the Issues from your tissues TODAY.

Hi Dexter,
It is SO Important to look at the entire skeleton when considering a healing approach to a joint like the shoulder. One cannot work the shoulder alone for long term healing without first addressing the fullness in the Thoracic ribcage, the Primary curve of the spine. Few modalities approach internal space or aligning around a broadening ribcage which can ultimately be the most important space for organ function, respiration, spinal health, etc. But also allowing the shoulders themselves to be held more buoyantly from underneath with effortless ease which releases the nerve & muscle tension to enhance again healthier range of motion, and in very short time. I teach a therapeutic alignment which allows the muscular/soft tissue network to tone in a uniformly balanced way, across the entire skeleton. This model of ‘tensegrity’ takes unnecessary pressure off the entire joint system, including each spinal vertebrae, and allow for a more suspended LIGHTNESS throughout the entire structure, this actually kicks off a systemic healing cascade so the body begins to regulate itself. My clients are amazed at how quickly they get results AND how they learn such basic ways of moving through space - arms over head is one of the MOST important ranges of motion that can be deduced to repetitive PT exercises rather than looking systemically at the root cause of misalignment stemming much closer to the core of the body. Unlike a workout or a chiropractic session, this approach trains a new normal & stays with you outside of the gym & off the table as you uplevel & strengthen your day to day movement patterning. Reach out if you are curious to know more. My approach is a game changer, hands down.

Donald Matesz MSOM, L.Ac.
We provide high quality affordable natural health care and the best acupuncture naps in town.

Yes. I have helped a number of patients recover from frozen shoulder with acupuncture. In addition, a 2018 review published in Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found "encouraging evidence" that frozen shoulder can be treated successfully with acupuncture at just one point traditionally used for shoulder disorders–Tiaokou on the foot yangming channel (on the shin). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5937513/

David Rossi

YES! Frozen shoulder can also be called 50-year shoulder caused by heavy responsibility. It would of course very much depend on the acupuncturist. Mine sold my frozen shoulder. As it was frozen due to emotional issue as the weak link.

Best of luck

David Rossi

YES! Frozen shoulder can also be called 50-year shoulder caused by heavy responsibility. It would of course very much depend on the acupuncturist. Mine sold my frozen shoulder. As it was frozen due to emotional issue as the weak link.

Best of luck

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