Does your child seem to be having a challenge learning to read? Have they been screened for dyslexia? Craniosacral therapy is a holistic and natural therapy that can be beneficial for alleviating the symptoms and struggles faced by children and adults living with dyslexia. In this article, we are going to explore how craniosacral therapy can work for dyslexia, its level of effectiveness, the recommended number of sessions, and potential costs.

Craniosacral Therapy for Dyslexia

According to one study, dyslexia is a neurobehavioral disorder. It is first diagnosed in childhood when literacy skills are beginning to be taught in school. How many children are affected by dyslexia? It is estimated at 5% to 17.7% of children today are affected.

This does not factor in adults who do not receive a diagnosis until adulthood.

So, what is dyslexia?

What is Dyslexia?

Does dyslexia come from the Greek prefix "dys" meaning hard or difficult, and "exia" meaning words. It can play a role in a child's ability to learn how to read and spell.

Research conducted on dyslexia shows that there are differences in the temporo parieto occipital brain regions between people with dyslexia, and those who do not live with dyslexia.

Further research has created theories such as cerebellar deficit theory (CDT), which states that the underlying cause of dyslexia is a cerebellar impairment. Cerebellar dysfunction has been linked to problems in four different areas:

  1. Motor skills

  2. Perception and production in timing tasks

  3. The automatic response of motor skills

  4. Classical conditioning of the eye-blink response

How Craniosacral Therapy can Work for Dyslexia

Craniosacral therapy works to alleviate the symptoms and challenges associated with dyslexia by releasing restrictions in the cerebrospinal fluid and realigning the bones in the cranial and sacral skeletal structure.

During the initial craniosacral therapy evaluation, the practitioner's light-handed touch will discern subtle motions of rhythm looking for and resolving any restrictions impeding the free movement of the craniosacral system This involves various body regions, tissues, and organs, as well as, the body's energy.

Active or problematic lesions are identified using a process known as, "arcing".

When arcing is present and identified by a craniosacral practitioner, senses the energetic waves of interference produced by the lesion/problem. The source of these waves is considered to be the core site of the lesion.

Once the site of the lesion is discovered, the therapist will then try to restore mobility to the involved tissues and energy fields.

Clinical observations suggest CST is effective in releasing dural tube restrictions to normalize the activity of facilitated spinal cord segments.

In most cases, the right temporal bone is found to be restricted when it comes to dyslexia. When it is released, many different case studies have documented an improvement in reading skills.

How Effective is Craniosacral Therapy for Dyslexia?

So how effective is craniosacral therapy for dyslexia?

Numerous studies and evaluations of children with dyslexia show considerable improvement in both reading and coordination after as little as one session. For example, one study published in the Complementary Therapies in Medicine included more than ten participants of the study. Eight of the ten participants showed improvements in lifestyle and cognitive function.

In addition, a case study conducted by Charles Gilliam showed significant results with a seven-year-old child with dyslexia after the first session and a further improvement in speech and spelling over a period of six months. This little boy ended up receiving a total of eight sessions; one session a month for six months, plus one initial session, and one final treatment session.

How Many Sessions Are Recommended?

Based on the case study above, you may find that six once-a-month sessions are all that you need. On the other hand, you may find the most success with three-ten weekly sessions followed by monthly sessions.

Each person is different, and as such, it is always a good idea to communicate with your craniosacral practitioner to get a better understanding of what may be the best number of sessions for you.

What did Will Craniosacral Therapy cost for Dyslexia?

If you choose to use craniosacral therapy for managing your dyslexia symptoms, it is important to know that the rates per session vary from city to city throughout the country.

The average price per session in the United States is $70-$170. Many practitioners offer packages and discounts, especially for children. This is true because children's sessions are often shorter than an hour. Many practitioners also have a different session rate for children.

For more information, read: How Much Does Craniosacral Therapy Cost?


A systematic review to evaluate the clinical benefits of craniosacral therapy. (1970, January 01). Retrieved April 26, 2019, from

Dyslexia | NEJM. (n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2019, from

McGrath, L. M., Pennington, B. F., Shanahan, M. A., Santerre-Lemmon, L. E., Barnard, H. D., Willcutt, E. G., ... Olson, R. K. (2010). A multiple deficit model of reading disability and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: searching for shared cognitive deficits. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines, 52(5), 547-557. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2010.02346.x. Retrieved April 26, 2019, from

Reid, A. A. (2018, November 05). Neuroimaging Reveals Heterogeneous Neural Correlates of Reading Deficit in Individuals with Dyslexia Consistent with a Multiple Deficit Model. Retrieved April 26, 2019, from

Shaywitz, B. A., & Shaywitz, S. E. (n.d.). Dyslexia (Specific Reading Disability). Retrieved April 30, 2019, from