The Gathering of the Sacred Rebels isn’t a traditional retreat, because sacred rebels aren’t conventional. We are anything but.


We don’t follow tradition, except the ancient ways that speak to our individual souls.


This isn’t a space to tell you how to do things. It’s a gathering to inspire creativity, individuality, and celebrate your unique endeavours. 


To inspire ourselves and others, we must come together, and shed the layers of conditioning we’ve acquired. We must face the darkest parts of ourselves, with love and compassion. We must voice what’s been repressed. 


This is a chance for you to reclaim your feminine power. To feel empowered in knowing there are others out there, also walking the backwards path. 


With confidence and trust in yourself, you can choose to be the most creative, unique, authentic expression of yourself, and all you're becoming.


Wouldn’t it feel amazing to connect and hear those special words “me too!!” when someone shares an experience? 


Imagine feeling so nourished by your experience, that you can walk away knowing that nourishment can sustain you, well beyond our gathering. That the other sacred rebels are soul sisters, that will always have your back.


Knowing we can all be on different paths, and come together in unity and solidarity, because the one thing we all have in common is...we are ALL Sacred Rebels.