In my interview with Catherine Carrigan on UK Health Radio (You can watch it on YouTube with this link: I explained ThetaHealing in detail. We also talked about my recently published books. Beyond that, I share insights about healing and counseling. On the whole, I am an intuitive, also an empath, a medium, a seer, a healer, a counselor and author.

ThetaHealing is a focused healing method using the Theta brainwave state to connect with the Divine to heal and create change. We usually start a session with the topic the client presents and gather more information via a body scan. Next, as we remove blocks and unwanted beliefs, we download new positive feelings. ThetaHealing leads to rapid healing and great relief for the client. People come for help with relationships, career change, health concerns and more.

  • ThetaHealing:
    Quick working
    Removes unhealthy programs of poverty and sacrifice
    Immediately downloads new feelings
    Repairs damaged DNA
  • Examples in my practice:
    A serious eye disorder, Fuchs Dystrophy disappeared
    Astigmatism is almost gone; changes noted by eye doctors
    Reversed lower back pain
    Assisted a client to leave an abusive husband
    Helped a client to leave a dissatisfying job
    Healed female problems due to the loss of a baby
    Restored a client to lactose tolerance
    Changed severe depression symptoms to manageable
  • At the end of a ThetaHealing session, clients feel much better. Sometimes they barely remember what their problem was at the beginning of the session.

ThetaHealing created by Vianna Stibal is taught internationally. At the same time, I teach the Basic, Advanced, Manifesting/Abundance, Dig Deeper, Rainbow Children and Rhythm to a Perfect Weight seminars in Phoenix, AZ, Redondo Beach, CA and Rochester, MN. In these classes, you get a copy of a book, a manual, and become certified as a practitioner.

In addition, you will see on my website a sign up for my monthly newsletter, they include articles and my class schedule. Also, check out the free guided meditations, free chapters from my books and even a diagram to enhance your spiritual development. Online freebies and workshops based on Unfolding the Mystery of Self are on the homepage too.

See my website You can schedule a package of sessions right away and even request a free 15-minute consultation. I work with clients on the phone, in zoom or in person. Most sessions last an hour. VIP days of four to five hours are deeply rewarding intensive change sessions available via the website too.