How can I use my diet to help reduce my chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease?
Alzheimer's Disease
Brain Health
Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease
Memory Problems
Neurological Disorders

How can I use my diet to help reduce my chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease?

3 Answers

Carrie Weitzel, RDN
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

The MIND diet is a combination of Mediterranean and DASH diets. It focuses on a balance of healthy eating along with increasing antioxidant consumption and less sodium intake. It has been shown in preliminary research as well to delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Sara Schultz, CPC, ELI-MP, EDIT Certified
At Stillwater, we offer a wide array of healing arts tools and experiences for optimal living.

Although the studies on this are inconclusive right now (although npr just had a new study released that suggested it may be infectious to some degree) the only thing that I’ve seen be useful is higher dosages of omegas found in fish oil. But also, learning new things, staying socially engaged, reducing stress, and making meaning in your life is the best way to prevent this!

David & Abigail Gonzales
doTERRA’s mission from the beginning was to share therapeutic-grade essential oils with the world.

Focusing on the gut is of the utmost. Alkalizing antioxidant water, good diet, digestive enzymes and probiotics, and I would also include supplements as well; our western diest are so lacking.

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