I am suffering from allergies on a massive level. Anyone have resources to reduce symptoms, especially eye irritation.

I am suffering from allergies on a massive level. Anyone have resources to reduce symptoms, especially eye irritation.

13 Answers

Lisa Madigan, RN, NAET

Have you ever tried NAET (Nambudripd's Allergy Elimination Technique), it is a natural way to get rid of allergies. It can take some time but it works.

Lisa Madigan, RN, NAET

Have you every tried NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique), it is a natural method for getting rid of allergies, it can take some time but it works.

Paty LeBaron
Understanding where our symptoms come from and addressing the cause for better quality of life.

My experience has shown that most of my clients improve from allergies and intolerances, after doing a mild intestinal cleanse. Like a week of no sugars, dairy or grains and a good herbal, intestinal fiber blend. Also making sure they are staying very hydrated. I hope this helps.

Ashley Hendrickson

You can try reducing dietary histamines, add a DAO supplement, and Quercetin. Als0, look into gut health.

Gabriele Schlumpberger

You may want to consider energy therapy to release the underlying issues of your allergies. I had over 80 allergies and they are all gone with energy therapy. This was one of the reasons why I got myself into this field. If you are interested, feel free to contact me.

Paty LeBaron
Understanding where our symptoms come from and addressing the cause for better quality of life.

Many allergies or intolerance start in the gut. Sometimes by doing an herbal fiber combination cleanse it will not only clean the bowel but help it rebuild the natural flora that it works with. I'm happy to provide some options.

Healing Is Possible! Get help for your top issues: Pain, Digestion, Immune Support, Hormones, Allergies, Mental & Emotional Wellness. BodyTalk, BodyIntuitive & Pain Neutralization Technique (PNT).

Hi William – There are a lot of great suggestions here. You may also want to consider an energy therapy to find and balance the underlying causes. BodyTalk, NAET and EFT can all be helpful for allergies. They can be used to balance how the body reacts (to dust, pollen, food, etc.), bring greater balance to the immune system, release stored traumas that are connected to the reaction and address inherited factors.

I’ve seen some great results with BodyTalk. Feel free to contact me and for more on BodyTalk go to www.bodytalksystem.com. Good luck to you.

Hope Hartley
With Nutrition Response Testing® we can help you discover the real underlying cause of your health problems and give your body what it needs

Allergies! OH the relief when I finally did not experience these! As many of the practitioners below mentioned, allergies tend to stem from the gut! When the gut experiences inflammation, many other systems begin to overwork, or become sluggish creating a "back up" of systems. I love the doterra TRI-ease to help bring relief, but to get the root, I'd like to invite you to look into the Opening Channels Program with Energetix. This protocol can be individualized to you, and it creates a sustainable healing environment within your body. Imagine the water we are made up of gets a little dark, murky, full of toxins, chemicals, emotions, etc- this water is what feeds the rest of our cells, structures, and organs. Allergies, food sensitivities, are common signs that the water is dirty! To do this, we work to create a healthy environment in the gut (this includes emotions!), as well as a personalized filtration and drainage protocol, that will when the body is ready, allow for a successful detoxification. When our body has what it needs, it can heal itself- and these messages or "symptom" no longer need to be present!

Carolyn Nicholson Fowler

Hi William! Having just been through this, I may have some ideas. Someone mentioned quercetin- this really helped as its a great anti inflammatory. My symptoms presented as itching, not the typical nasal congestion. Turmeric can also help along with quercetin. Zaditor is a good OTC eye drop without the vasoconstrictors or burning. I would try everything these great practitioners brought to you! If all else fails, my allergist recommends zyrtec. For those who are wondering, reiki helped but only as long as I could hold my hand over the itchy spots. I am also open to learning some more alternative ways to treat this!

Carolyn Nicholson Fowler

Hi William! Having just been through this, I may have some ideas. Someone mentioned quercetin- this really helped as its a great anti inflammatory. My symptoms presented as itching, not the typical nasal congestion. Turmeric can also help along with quercetin. Zaditor is a good OTC eye drop without the vasoconstrictors or burning. I would try everything these great practitioners brought to you! If all else fails, my allergist recommends zyrtec. For those who are wondering, reiki helped but only as long as I could hold my hand over the itchy spots. I am also open to learning some more alternative ways to treat this!

Karen Johnson
"Welcome to PSYCH-K® and the Evolution of Consciousness

Allergies are not always what we think they are. For example I thought I was allergic to strawberries and just avoided them. After I learned PSYCH-K(R) and used the protocol to address allergies, I found out I was actually having a reaction to a very emotional experience that happened while I was eating strawberries! After I transformed my subconscious perception of that emotional experience, my body's response to strawberries has been pure joy and delicious again! Sometimes issues with the eyes can be related to an emotional response to something you witnessed with your eyes. Let me know if you want more information. Best regards, Karen

Lisa A. Brown, LMT
To provide an environment where clients feel safe, cared for and have their needs met.

This is something I can relate to. There are a number of things you can do to reduce the affects of those seasonal discomforts. I would start with an essential oil protocol to reduce symptoms. Three oils that I love for just this thing are lemon, lavender and peppermint. I highly recommend doTERRA essential oils. You can message me for a link to wholesale pricing. The 3 oils act like an anti-histamine without the sleepiness of many anti-histamines. Next up I would address you GUT health. When our immune system is out of balance, it can show up as allergies, skin issues, digestive issues and so on. Probiotics are at the forefront to address this. Chronic inflammation is also something to consider. I'd love to chat about it. Feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Heidi Alina

Quercetin has worked well for me!

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