What supplements or vitamins have you tried that have helped you get over seasonal allergies?
Seasonal Allergies

What supplements or vitamins have you tried that have helped you get over seasonal allergies?

I have seen and heard of several natural seasonal allergy solutions and am interested in trying one supplement with many vitamins that may help.

6 Answers

David & Abigail Gonzales
doTERRA’s mission from the beginning was to share therapeutic-grade essential oils with the world.

What got me started with using essential oils was the need to support my body through seasonal allergies and inflammation. I did so with Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint essential oil. I didn't change my diet other than I slowed by dairy consumption, and was not taking any OTC drugs or prescriptions.

Lois Pratt
Healthy Determination Nutrition and Fitness Partnering!

I have had very high success with clients with HistoPlex AB by Biotics Research.

Dr. Paul Finucan D C
Our goal is to provide an integrated alternative approach focused on the health and well being of our patients.

Iplex by Standard process labs and Hystoplex by Biotics

Lisa Shaheen

Hi - I have had great success using a blend of peppermint and lavender essential oils for seasonal allergies. I always recommend Young Living oils - but whatever oils you choose, do your research. You always want to be sure that whatever you are putting on your body is pure and free of harmful chemicals. One of the best ways to apply them is using a glass roller bottle that you can keep in your purse when you feel the symptoms coming on.

Liza Baker

I started with nettle tea—much gentler than a supplement—and it worked wonderfully.

We have a lot of luck with using doTerra OnGuard oil, both diffused and taken directly in the mouth/throat (for adults), in reducing symptoms of seasonal allergies. Nettle tea is also excellent for alleviating sinus pain and pressure.

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