I just starting taking 112 mcg levothyroxine and 5 mcg liothyronine (no thyroid due to cancer 30 years ago). Prior to that, I was taking 200 mcg levothyroxine which we now no was to much. Currently I am feeling jittery and nervous, is this normal? thanks.

I just starting taking 112 mcg levothyroxine and 5 mcg liothyronine (no thyroid due to cancer 30 years ago). Prior to that, I was taking 200 mcg levothyroxine which we now no was to much. Currently I am feeling jittery and nervous, is this normal? thanks.

5 Answers

Kevin Bennett
"Using Muscle testing, we can literally gain access to our body's internal computer system and find out where the imbalances are". -Dr Bradley Nelson. based upon the book called "the Emotion Code".

did you get this resolved?

Kevin Bennett
"Using Muscle testing, we can literally gain access to our body's internal computer system and find out where the imbalances are". -Dr Bradley Nelson. based upon the book called "the Emotion Code".

take kelp, usually start 2 capsules a day and taper to 1 a day. I can muscle test what you need

Dr. Kathryn Cranford, ND, NHCM
Naturopathic Family Medicine

Not normal, I second Blue Star's recommendation! If you are very uncomfortable, call your prescriber about adjusting the dose of the liothyronine down until you can come in for bloodwork.

The philosophic approach of naturopathic physicians to their patients is fundamentally different from the approach of conventional medicine.

Its possible you are taking more liothyronine than you need. I recommend you return to your prescriber and get your TSH, Free T4 and Free T3 checked.

I am a Functional Medicine Nutritionist for 20 years focusing on the Gut Microbiome.

Your body is experiencing a detox from being over-medicated. It is difficult to say if this is normal. The way your body detoxifies relates to your uniqueness: genetically, lifestyle, past operations, medications etc. I recommend that you take a mop-up detoxifier. I could recommend the best one for you and you should be monitored when taking it.

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