What essential oils should I use and how for anxiety?

What essential oils should I use and how for anxiety?

3 Answers

Michele Root, CHt, LC
As a Serial Yo-Yo Dieter, I got really good at losing excess weight. My struggle was a lack of healthy habits to KEEP it off. I understand!

Our goal is to provide emotional support while encouraging relaxation & reducing stress & muscle tension, so I like a blend of whatever oils make THEM feel good. My recommendation would include Lavender (calming/soothing), Vetiver (grounding/strengthening), Tangerine (uplifting/comforting) and Rose Geranium (balancing).

Minal Rajan, NTP
BETTER FOOD, BETTER MOOD We'll help you connect the dots.

I highly recommend Vibrant Blue Oils -- their proprietary blends are amazing! "Adrenal", "Calm", "Parasympathetic" are some that support feelings of anxiety and calms tension.

Michele Root, CHt, LC
As a Serial Yo-Yo Dieter, I got really good at losing excess weight. My struggle was a lack of healthy habits to KEEP it off. I understand!

I too like lavender and will diffuse with sandalwood.

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