Where are acupuncture needles placed for anxiety?

Where are acupuncture needles placed for anxiety?

5 Answers

Dr. Therese Walsh-Van Keuren
Healing Happens in the Present

In Chinese Medicine, the Individual is treated, not the disease, condition or symptom. That being said, there are some reliable points on the body that do not disappoint for treating a person with anxiety. Ear Points are extremely effective. And the relationship between organ partners is usually the guiding Point Selection Principle. For Example, if the Anxiety is due to a poor relationship between the Heart and Kidney, then the relationship between those to "Zang" organs is re-established in the Acupuncture Treatment.

Michael Fox
Co-Creating a higher state of well being and awareness!

I have been receiving acupuncture for the past couple of years now - for multiple things, but certainly for anxiety. Although i know there's specific points, such as the 3rd eye point and other forehead points (which all worked wonderfully), the whole experience is meditative and such great medicine for anxiety/stress for me personally!

Donald Matesz MSOM, L.Ac.
We provide high quality affordable natural health care and the best acupuncture naps in town.

There are three possible levels of treatment: symptomatic, corrective and preventive.

Symptomatic treatment only relieves the symptom (in this case, anxiety) temporarily. We do have points which can relieve anxiety temporarily; they are on the forehead, neck, ear and wrist. However acupuncturists prefer to go beyond symptomatic treatment to corrective and preventive treatment.

Corrective treatment aims at restoring strength and peace of body and mind so that the person is less susceptible to the symptom. An acupuncturist will evaluate each individual to determine the underlying cause of the anxiety, which may differ from person to person. Once a diagnosis is made, the appropriate points are selected to achieve mental and physical balance to not only relieve the anxiety symptom, but to strengthen and calm body and mind so that anxiety is less and less likely to occur over time. This will require a series of treatments in most cases. This type of treatment will utilize the points mentioned above, but also include points indicated to bring the patient into a condition of greater wellbeing. Typically these additional points will in my practice be around the wrists, knees, legs and feet.

Preventive treatment is engaged after the corrective phase. The purpose of preventive treatment is to keep the body and mind in balance so that it does not revert to the condition that made anxiety arise as an ongoing issue. This will involve regular wellness treatments (1-2 x monthly) including points utilized for symptomatic and corrective purposes.

Annie McDonnell, L.Ac.
founder of Joy Alchemy Acupuncture

Acupuncturists treat each person as an individual, so the needles could be placed in different places on different people. But generally, there are excellent acupoints for anxiety in the wrist, outer ear, forehead, and other areas.

Annie McDonnell, L.Ac.
founder of Joy Alchemy Acupuncture

Acupuncturists treat each person as an individual, so the needles could be placed in different places on different people. But generally, there are excellent acupoints for anxiety in the wrist, outer ear, forehead, and other areas.

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