I help Highly Sensitive People transform the feeling of overwhelm into calm confidence and authentic empowerment to improve their relatiohships with themselves and others.
Hi Constance, thank you for your question. It's difficult to suggest an approach to treating PTSD without knowing the person who is suffering with it. There are several approaches that are helpful including Hypnosis, EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, EFT, Yoga, & Mindfulness and a skilled practitioner will be able to help find the best one for each individual. All the best to you!
Transform Your Health with Personalized Holistic Therapy: When you choose to work with me, either individually or in a group setting, you're partnering with an International Holistic Health and Nutrition Therapist, Master Herbalist, and Aromatherapist dedicated to your well-being.
Health is Wealth: I am committed to helping you achieve your health goals, boost your energy, and find freedom from pain and health concerns. I believe in the body's remarkable ability to heal itself when given the right tools, practices, environment, care and balance. Read more under "About Me"
The most effective Trauma healing I’ve ever come across is through the work of Peter Levine. He is endorsed by many people in the field, including Garbot Mate.
"What's really important about shamanism is
that there is another reality that you can
personally discover...we are not alone."
— Michael Harner
Shamanic Healing. When we experience traumas in life whether they are big traumatic experiences or micro traumas, the soul is effected. Shamanic cultures world wide know that what happens in ordinary reality effects us spiritually. When we experience negative life experiences we loose spiritual power. This can happen in the form of soul loss. When we have a loss of power, it opens us up to spiritual intrusion. Spiritual intrusion is actually a very common experience in modern society. Most people in modern society are in need of both Extraction Healing and Soul Retrieval. Often when a person is experiencing things like PTSD , Anxiety, , Localized Pain or a feeling of Mal Ease to name a few. There is a spiritual aspect that can be addressed in this way. Shamanic Healing is recommended in conjunction with other types of modalities such as psychotherapy or hypnotherapy.
I approach every client as someone to support in their own individual journey of healing and transforming their deepest issues, on exactly the level they were created.
I very successfully use RTT Hypnotherapy in clients with PTSD. The reason why it works so well is that with RTT Hypnotherapy we go back to the scenes that caused the PTSD. Trauma shakes us to the core and changes us; when we survive it, the main issue/problem we deal with is what trauma makes us think and believe about ourselves and the world, and how that feels in our body. When we go back to the scenes, we reframe and transform those thoughts. With a relaxed, clear thinking mind (RTT Hypnotherapy gets you there), it is possible for us to see those events differently and reframe it from that perspective. We then transform it and what it means to us and our perspective of ourselves and the world. We transform deep rooted thinking patterns very organically and with it the inherent fear, phobias, OCD etc that might stem from it too. After the session my clients get a recording (15-20 min long) with the transformation.
I approach each client as a whole person. Each recommendation and plan is client specific supporting the entire body.
There have been lots of studies down connecting the use of Aromatherapy and Essential oils to supporting those with PTSD. One of the biggest that I loved researching was done on a group of soldiers just back from combat. The use of Bergamot oil was used strictly throughout the day at specific times and in a variety of ways to begin to retrain the brain and create new pathways to help them.
My 360° Coaching Approach brings all the parts of you into alignment so you can achieve and maintain a thriving life, opening up access to your amazing life on the other side of trauma.
Though healing from PTSD and Complex PTSD can be challenging, it is absolutely possible.
When we are calm, we have access to our thinking brain and can work via, what's called 'top down' approaches. However, when we're activated, our thinking brain goes offline and this is when we rely on 'bottom up' approaches.
A solid holistic approach will encompass several top down and bottom up approaches. In this way, you are retraining your nervous system and your brain to behave differently. Over time, with fewer flashbacks (when your thinking brain goes offline - there are different types of flashbacks and you might not realize that you are having them), you will learn to recognize and interrupt when you're going into your old patterns and can choose differently by using all the tools you've picked up along the way.
I help people go from feeling at the mercy of their symptoms to learning to manage their symptoms to becoming symptom free. Along the way, my clients are also reconnecting with themselves, often for the first time. From that authentic place, they are able to tap into innate strengths they may never have had access to before. That catapults them into learning how to BE different, how to BE themselves, living dreams they'd long ago given up on.
Cutting edge, neuro-energetic chiropractic care to help you connect to the healing wisdom of your body, become more adaptable to stress, and feel more alive.
Hi there! When dealing with PTSD, it is important to heal the nervous system, as it is the foundation of your sense of safety, ability to self-regulate, and have capacity to respond to life from the present moment. When we experience trauma, the information and energy from the experience(s) is stored in the body and the nervous system can lock into a state of survival to protect us. It is as if the nervous system is continuing to experience pain from the past as if it is happening now. Teaching the nervous system to find safety in the present moment is absolutely key to heal, integrate, and move through trauma. Network Spinal is a powerful non-traditional chiropractic approach that supports this healing process. There are practitioners across the globe. If you are interested, we can connect you with someone near you.
Secondly, an easy nervous system regulating breath you can do right now is inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 2, exhale for 6. When the exhale is longer than the inhale, it tells our nervous system that we are safe. You can also begin to place your hands somewhere on your body where it feels safe, and breathe into that space with this breath pattern.
Energy Healer specializing in Trauma Recovery for PTSD and sexual abuse survivors. I consider every client to be a unique individual with unique needs. Wellness plans are customized for each client
This is a great question and there are multiple answers I'm sure :) Having personally suffered from PTSD myself, some of the tools I have found to be extremely beneficial in healing from this have been;
*Meditation music
*Essential oils
*Journaling, acknowledging feelings is the first step to taking away the power of negative feelings
*Practicing Emotion Code (this one was huge for me)
*Listening to Balancing Harmonics
PTSD recovery is what I now specialize in. If you would like more info, feel free to contact me. Sending light and love!
Depth Flow Counseling, Shadow Recovery, Spirit Readings & Guidance, Somatic Experiencing. Empowering a path to wholeness and igniting your awakening journey. To learn more, visit somaaloia.com.
This is an important question, especially now in these times. Calming the nervous system is the first step to healing PTSD but not the crucial step. Consistent body-centered therapy practices such as Craniosacral Therapy, Healing Touch, acupuncture, Somatic Experiencing-style Counseling, and hypnosis, in time, heal PTSD for life-long change. My life was changed dramatically by Craniosacral Therapy in particular, after a brain injury from a car accident. In fact, this therapy helped me be better than I was even before the accident. Any therapist who has done their own trauma healing is most effective at addressing others'. Choose a practitioner who can sit with you and be centered, with deep listening and empathy, regardless of how intense you feel and express yourself. :)
I help people overcome chronic symptoms and reclaim their health by addressing health on all 3 levels - the physical, mental and emotional/energetic. Rewire your Brain, Reclaim your Health.
There are many layers to PTSD and many different holistic approaches that can be beneficial depending on the individual. PTSD is a condition that develops as a result of trauma and trauma isn't just about what happened to you but how you experience the event. Trauma is stored in the body and imprints into our nervous system.
An effective way to heal these conditions that are embedded deep within is to work with the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind controls the majority of our behavior and operates off of a memory. That's why it doesn't work to just tell yourself to stop feeling that way. Even when you're ready to move beyond the trauma consciously, it can still be playing out in your body.
The good news is, you can rewire your brain. When you can access these automatic programs and disarm them, they no longer have control over you.
Rewire your brain and reclaim your health.
As a coach I help imballanced, stressed, and selfconscience individuals find new habits that support harmony, health, and happiness.
Constance, as a retired military soldier I have personally had to work through a number of PTSD triggers. It took a long time to recognize that certain reactions I had were a result of my PTSD.
The first step I had to do was identify my triggers. Different triggers often have different reactions and therefore need a different approach. For example, when I am triggered by sound I tended to try to hide and shut things out, but when I am triggered by unexpected touch I tended to become angry.
For sound one approach I used was a focus exercise or guided imagery. The particular focus exercise that helped me goes as follows:
1. Identify 5 things you can see
2. Identify 5 things your can hear
3. Identify 5 things you can smell
4. Identify 5 things you can feel
Once you do that go over each of those again, except take the number down to 4, then to 3, and so on. The point of the exercise is to take your focus off the triggering item/event. You will want to remove yourself from the triggering area first if possible, but it can be done on site.
Another approach that is gaining a lot more support for those with high PTSD are support animals. This can be expensive but for those people that are easily and often triggered, support animals have shown to significantly drop recovery times after a person is triggered.
There are a number of other holistic approach ideas. if you would like more feel free to contact me.
Hello, I am a Reiki Master and Spiritual Energy Healer. Discerning energy vibrations to help heal, balance & promote soul awakening.
Willing and able to help people world wide!
With everything being of energy, the best way is to naturalize the energy that is around the person. PTSD is an emotional response first which then can trigger physical reactions. The trauma that happened to a person is now a trigger within them. A car backfiring sounds like a gun going off, the trigger is the sound the emotional response is fear and the physical response can be for example squatting down with hands over head.
When you release the fear energy that is stuck within the person, when the car backfires it does not trigger the physical reaction. I have naturalized energies in a 65-year man that never could understand why PTSD was still within since the trauma happened in his mid-30s. He never slept well even with medication which over time was causing him to experience other physical issues. A couple of sessions of naturalizing all energies that he was carrying, cleared his PTSD.
The energy around a person, home or office will not change unless the energy is naturalized. Remember everything is energy, and this includes us human beings.
We are emotional human beings and even if we hide and never show our emotions, our emotional soul is the essence of who we are at the core.
Holistic therapist for Highly Sensitive, Empathic and Intuitive women experiencing depression, anxiety or PTSD
HI. There are several holistic ways that you can address PTSD. First, getting a good holistic team, including a therapist and psychiatrist that are knowledgeable not just about PTSD, but holistic alternatives to medication. Finding a good acupuncturist can help, as acupuncture can help with both anxiety and depression, which is part of PTSD. They can also help provide herbals to help support your adrenals, which due to being in a constant state of flight/fight/freeze are often taxed by PTSD. Lastly, there have been great successes with eye movement therapies and PTSD, these include Eye Moment Desensitizantion and Reprocessing (EMDR), Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) and Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) as well as hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. I will usually also recommend some kind of bodywork, such as trauma-informed yoga or reiki to help my clients move through the body memories. Know that there are solutions out there! Love and healing to you!
Holistic therapist for Highly Sensitive, Empathic and Intuitive women experiencing depression, anxiety or PTSD
HI. There are several holistic ways that you can address PTSD. First, getting a good holistic team, including a therapist and psychiatrist that are knowledgeable not just about PTSD, but holistic alternatives to medication. Finding a good acupuncturist can help, as acupuncture can help with both anxiety and depression, which is part of PTSD. They can also help provide herbals to help support your adrenals, which due to being in a constant state of flight/fight/freeze are often taxed by PTSD. Lastly, there have been great successes with eye movement therapies and PTSD, these include Eye Moment Desensitizantion and Reprocessing (EMDR), Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) and Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) as well as hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. I will usually also recommend some kind of bodywork, such as trauma-informed yoga or reiki to help my clients move through the body memories. Know that there are solutions out there! Love and healing to you!
I teach you how to master gut health & detoxification naturally, so you can be independently healthy, experience astounding energy, & make a profound impact on those you feel called to serve.
I love this question and if this is you then I empathize. Often times women come to me to work through and heal from PTSD and are looking for holistic approaches and natural remedies. Whether it's trauma, fear, anxiety, depression, stress, worry, or phobias, essential oils are a truly profound way to support a re-wiring of the brain and support new emotional responses. The reason for this is that the essential oils are lipid soluble and can penetrate the cell membrane and the blood-brain barrier. To explain how they work: The oils enter the sinus cavity through the nostrils where the tiny aromatic compounds are transported to the brain's limbic system where trauma/memories and scent are all processed in the same place. When we work together, we introduce various essential oils that trigger neural responses in the brain so you can begin to rewire your thoughts. For example, citrus oils typically elevate our mood, make us feel happy, joyful, and creative while the tree oils support us in being more grounded and rooted in times of uncertainty or want to calm our mind, relax or sleep. As a gut health coach I've worked with countless individuals over the years who have come to me for natural solutions to their mental health struggles. Happy to say, we've been able to turn things around using plant-based options so they could avoid the unwanted side-effects of medication. What you might come to discover is the joy of working with these precious gifts the earth provides and how easy the oils are to integrate into what might be an already busy lifestyle. Plus, you get to smell like a spa of your own design! : ) The truth is you can create a neural response in your brain in under 30 seconds. And if you're someone who happens not to be drawn in by scent, then there are other ways of implementing the medical grade I work with. While essential oils are not the "cure" they are a vital tool in the healing process for people who might be struggling w/ PTSD; inclusively, they have no side-effects and are extremely cost-effective. What have you been working with so far that has helped?
If you are suffering from PTSD, talk to your doctor and psychotherapist about adding hypnotherapy to your treatment program. If they agree – or if you are eager for other methods to address PTS – hypnotherapy is powerful a tool for reconnecting with the love that surrounds us all.
Through hypnotherapy, the subconscious is made part of the known effective therapies for PTS and PTSD: Innoculation. Therapy builds habits that soothe fear; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy breaks down guilt and shame; and as self-esteem improves, Exposure Therapy allows us to find good in the situations that we’ve been avoiding.
The persistent threat of violence, witnessing violence committed against others, and natural disasters: all threaten our core belief in safety. Our subconscious clamors for our conscious mind to make certain that never happens again. Our Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) steals life’s wonderful surprises.
For those suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), the fear response takes over. The sights and sounds of the traumatic experience are brought back when a car horn sounds, or a waitress serves a certain sandwich at another table. PTSD sufferers withdraw from the world.
Life Coach, Hypnotherapy, Reiki & Meditation Teacher,Retreat Facilitator, Ayurvedic Doula, End of Life Doula Specialist, Intuitive Counselor, Breathe Love Movement