What are some tools or modalities that can help with trichotillomania?
Hair Health

What are some tools or modalities that can help with trichotillomania?

5 Answers

Monika Dulian, FMCHC
Emotional Health Advocate. Trauma Release Practitioner. I help you discover and dissolve the emotional root causes of your problems.

This addiction/compulsive behavior is a symptom of a deeply rooted emotional stress. Hair problems occur when you feel out of control; suppressed and dominated by an influential figure in your life.

Those experiencing hair problems feel like there is little room for mistakes, they are on guard constantly, unable to communicate clearly.

Hair loss takes one's ability to feel confident away, making it difficult to feel good about oneself, unconsciously allowing for inaction in avoidance of possible failure.

Hair problems also happen to people who feel rejected, unimportant and unsafe.

Explore the questions below to discover more about the root (no pun intended) of your problem:

Are you hard on yourself?
Are you self-punishing for making mistakes in the past?
Are you rejecting yourself?

I use a gentle technique to discover and resolve the emotional root cause of ailments and sumptoms. Please contact me for more details.

Gregory Ashby
Are you living your Life Authentically? Or is a Autoimmune or Chronic Condition holding you back? Schedule a discovery call to find out more

I don’t think there is one answer, but this compulsivity is usually
Psychological in nature. I also live in Salt Lake City so we can meet in person to talk about this further.

Terre McCue
The Healer's Apprentice

Spiritual Heart-based Healing. This technique does not address illness or disease, but spiritual issues that influence our conscious and unconscious minds.

Terre McCue
The Healer's Apprentice

Trichotillomania resembles a type of obsessive-compulsive behavior. There are techniques that are available to remove the negative energies and subconscious thought patterns that can trigger the automatic impulse to tug at the hair. I offer an energy protocol that I use to “disconnect” these types of energetic imbalances and thought patterns.

Brian Baird
Brian Baird is the creator of Million Dollar Feeling™, The Community for Positive Living, where people quickly reveal their inner greatness, enjoy abundance of love, joy, freedom and, yes, money.

Hello, Leilani, I am Brian. I trust you are well.

Though TTM often is linked to areas of personal psychology, there may be physiological aspects to consider, particularly looking into nutritional gaps that may be enlarging psychological effects.

That being said, regarding your question about modalities that can help with TTM, we at Million Dollar Feeling harness a blend of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Hypnotherapy (for those willing), interactive coaching and nutritional enhancements to optimize results. This allows us to lead clients to rapid, commonly immediate, permanent, positive life-changing results with a phenomenal rate of success. So, it is these modalities, from experience, that I suggest be explored regarding TTM.

Please let us know how we can further support your search for answers to this question.

Brian Baird, CHt, co-founder of Million Dollar Feeling

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