What does hypnotherapy feel like?

What does hypnotherapy feel like?

5 Answers

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Hypnotherapy is primarily a state of focus and receptivity. When my clients do hypnosis with me, it's like a very focused, beneficial conversation with a good friend- the kind of conversation that brings up feelings and insight and healing, the kind of conversation that can change your life. Because in hypnosis you have all your resources available to you and you can use them to make the changes you've always wanted to make but that might have seemed out of reach.

You can feel more confident, speak better, perform better, ease trauma and anxiety. You can be the person you were born to be with all the strengths and talents that are part of your nature. Hypnosis can activate these abilities because it helps you set down feelings that no longer serve you and open your arms to your inherent purpose and vitality.

Get a free consultation with me and learn more. All the best to you!

You have some really great answers here! The experience varies from person to person the same way everyone sleeps differently. Depending on how dominantly you perceive information in theta state, each person will likely have differing experiences. Because I can't speak for each individual, I'll offer some thoughts around my own personal experience with past life regressions and QHHT sessions.

What I thought would happen- a loss in conscious awareness- didn't happen for me. This made me feel like it didn't work. After working with many clients and learning the modality, I find that totally somnambulistic theta states (meaning the ego goes to sleep!) is rare- and more people experience a form of "being there" while also experiencing extrasensory information.

That extrasensory information is all valuable in uncovering hidden traumas, their purpose and the way to resolve them. Some see story like pictures in the mind- like daydreaming, but unprompted. Others feel sensations like vibrations and pulsing as the energy and healing commeses. Some see flashes of lights, and some don't "see" scenes but have feelings or knowings of what is happening.

As some of the answers mention below, no experience is any more valid, real or beneficial. They're all perfect for where you are at the moment you choose to experience hypnotherapy. It helps to not have the expectation of going totally under- because the ego can get in the way of experiencing naturally what's coming to you. If the ego feels "this isnt working" it can be a less enjoyable experience. The best thing to do is just relax, allow whatever is coming into your awareness to be there and speak freely. The real decoding happens continually after the session.

Kellie Whitney
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Do you want to love yourself? Hypnosis makes change quicker, easier and more comfortable. Schedule your free strategy session today.

Hypnotherapy is the process of using trance to resolve a problem or obstacle or to discover how to heal ones self. It uses trance, the bypassing of the critical mind. It is a very personal and individual experience. Most people experience relaxation in some form but it is not necessary to be relaxed nor is it necessary to close your eyes (though most people find it helpful to reduce visual stimulation). My clients have experienced a number of sensations: light, warm, cold, heavy, still, stiff, out of body, vibration, some just that their eyes where closed and I was talking to them. There is no right or wrong way, in what ever way you experience it that is just perfect for you. I invite my clients to just become curious about how they will experience trance.

Terre McCue
The Healer's Apprentice

The type of hypnotherapy I practice involves the client going into the somnambulistic or theta state. As there are varying levels of theta, the client can go so deep that the conscious mind releases entirely. This allows the subconscious to take center stage in answering the questions and complying with the healing requests. These people remember little to nothing after the initial induction phase as their state of relaxation is very deep. Others state that their conscious mind fades in and out during the session, so they remember bits and pieces of what has transpired. Still others report that the conscious mind has been present the entire time, as the subconscious mind takes its turn in caring for the needs of the individual. This state of “watching” the subconscious mind in action and witnessing the healing allows the conscious mind the rare opportunity to take a 'back seat' to become a mere spectator. No matter what level of trance one achieves, they can all be successful in providing the requested information and healing.

Most clients report feelings of relaxation and peace; many come out of it “feeling lighter”, physically as well as emotionally. Often spontaneous healing takes place, so upon “awakening”, the client feels renewed, refreshed and realizes a positive altered state of health immediately. Others heal according to the timetable set forth by the Soul or subconscious.

Most clients really enjoy hearing about their “past lives” (some are future, in the spirit world and even imaginary, when the Soul deems it necessary to prove a point). For some, this has been the pivotal point for healing in the session. One of my clients felt extremely downtrodden in this life, financially and racially. He saw himself in leadership roles in other lives and the impact of knowing his high ranking status in times past, had a life-altering effect on him. He quit his two low-paying jobs and moved across the country, confident and determined to make a better life for himself.

What's important to realize is that the theta state is a very natural state of mind. We go in and out of this brain wave state throughout the day, before we drop off to sleep, and as we are awakening. So people who experience hypnotherapy feel very comfortable and safe during the process, as they experience no unusual or unfamiliar state of awareness. We are also trained to give positive suggestions, soothing words of encouragement and mentally surround them with protective pyramidal light to ensure they feel entirely safe for their Soul journey. A beautiful experience indeed for both therapist and client.

Sandy Hawke, CCHT
Tune into your own inner wisdom.

Hypnotherapy can feel differently for everyone. The goal of hypnotherapy is to quiet the conscious mind, relax the mind and spirit, so that the underlying source of our feelings can come through - what's usually hidden deep within our subconscious.

In the process of inducing an alternative state of consciousness, hypnotherapists will encourage their clients to focus on their breath, as well as what they're experiencing in their five senses - sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. By accentuating the five senses, the client will feel more relaxed more quickly, as well as fall more deeply into a trance state.

Since everyone experiences their five senses differently in a waking state, they often differ in their trance sensory experiences. Some folks have very visual experiences, where they feel as if they're in a dream-like state. Some have such rich experiences they even may be able to smell fragrances or taste food in whatever surroundings they find themselves in.

Others may not see or hear anything, but rather have more of a deeply relaxed and attuned bodily sensation, a sense of knowing things but not knowing precisely how they know them. We call these 'kinesthetic' reactions.

Every trance session may result in a different experience, even for the same person. I instruct my clients to remember everything they experience because having access to insights uncovered during the hypnosis process accelerates healing.

Hope this helps!

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