What would you do to transform your health?
Health Coaching
Health & Wellness Coaching

What would you do to transform your health?

13 Answers

I am passionate about helping women in becoming the best version of themselves. I believe in a holistic approach to all aspects of health-Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual.

I love the question. I strongly believe health is multidimensional and taking care of all aspects of the key will yield sustainable results in long run would look inward and start a journal on how I feel physically, mentally, emotionally each day. I will note if the pattern is repetitive and will start with one simple habit at a time. It could be taking a walk, talking to a friend, focusing on any spiritual activity, eating mindfully, self-care practices. Transformation takes time so give yourself the time and permission to commit fully.

I am a nurse, health coach, and natural advocate for the health and happiness through your Body, Mind Spirit.


I am a nurse, health coach, and natural advocate for the health and happiness through your Body, Mind Spirit.


Nathan Walz

Reconnect with nature. First thing every day, watch the sunrise and if possible ground to the earth. This sets your circadian rhythm, which controls growth, metabolism, and hormones. Throughout the day, get some sun exposure and ideally watch the sunset, which will improve the quality of your sleep. Go for walks in nature

Eat a majority of your food that comes from close to where you live and is in season

Focus on quality sleep

Identify things that cause inflammation and reduce as much as possible

Manage stress and spend some time each day doing something you enjoy, that lifts you up. Express gratitude daily

Spend time with people that have achieved what you want and help others get what you have. Avoid those that bring you down

Drink pure water

Stay active

Dr. Rees is a Functional Medicine Doctor who focuses primarily with Functional Nutrition.

I'd recommend meeting with a Functional Medicine Doctor to understand your base health and how to acheive optimal health!

Dr. Rees is a Functional Medicine Doctor who focuses primarily with Functional Nutrition.

I'd recommend meeting with a Functional Medicine Doctor to understand your base health and how to acheive optimal health!

I am a nurse, health coach, and natural advocate for the health and happiness through your Body, Mind Spirit.

I see you asked this question some time ago. But I also noticed you live in Cumberland. So do I. I am a Transformational Health and Life Coach.

I am happy to offer a one hour Transformational Discovery session. It is a conversation to specificaly designed to answer your question. I have a link to a video that explains the phone call if that helps your curiosity. https://www.transformlife.coach/1-on-1-coaching/

Feel free to call directly 401-333-1847. Or if you would like to explore Transform Life as a whole visit. http://www.transformlife.coach

Kate Vogt Robie, CIHC
Holistic Integrative-Nutrition Functional-Medicine Practitioner - I help you discover why you have that discomfort and how to resolve the root cause(s). My work is based on scientific health/wellness principles supported by clinical research/evidence.

The best thing is to identify not merely the "What" you want to change but also a very-important-to-you "Why", else it's too easy to not follow through. Taking it to an extreme, if we learn our favorite food is actually poisoning us then we have a greater likelihood of giving it up!

If you're looking for what change to make, there's a lot of information about so many synthetic chemicals in our processed foods and housewares that may be overwhelming our bodies and causing lot of the chronic diseases we're battling. So fresh whole foods and non-toxic housewares and cleaners can be a greater start to health improvements. But be aware that: (1) when you eliminate toxins, you may have a few rough days shortly after you start as your body expels the poisons but, when you get through that, you feel SO much better! and (2) ALWAYS consult appropriate health professionals before you do a cleanse or any health transformation 'project.'

Sam Baron
Let me help you get unstuck and take action on your goals using habit building, mindfulness, and ancestral health principles.

Hello, I think all of these answers are great, and I'll add something that is rarely mentioned - find a wellness community that fits with your goals and values, preferably one that is local and in-person. In a modern society that does little to support true, lasting health and wellness, it is incredibly difficult to make change alone. Find a gym, a support group, a coach, or friends/family/co-workers that are also interested in taking charge of their health. See if you can interact with a diverse array of voices and use your own gut intuition and commonsense to see what sticks.

Speaking of common sense, in my coaching practice, everything is viewed through an ancestral lens. Humans have evolved for millions of years and only recently have experienced chronic disease. What changed? Embrace this over-simplification to pull yourself out of the overwhelming amount of digital information out there. What were humans eating, how were they moving, how did they interact with each other before the industrial revolution, before the agricultural revolution?

Finally, cut yourself some slack, transformation is hard. There will be a few steps forward, a few steps back, but it is possible to meet this with qualities of kindness, openness and humor. Try to have fun and experiment!

Geri Winters

What I did for myself personally was to go low-carb and gluten-free. I needed to heal blood sugar issues, high cholesterol, acid reflux, asthma, and joint pain. I was tired of taking lots of pills. I wanted healing, not something that masked the symptoms. Low-carb and gluten-free worked for me.

What I would suggest someone else do to transform their health would depend on the health goals they are trying to achieve.

Keeping a journal as Donna suggests is a great thing to do to find out what your current state is. You can record not only what you eat, but also how you feel, both emotionally and physically. Think about what you want that is different from what you have now in terms of your health. What do you want to be able to do that you cannot do today because of health issues?

Once you know what you personally mean by "transforming my health" then you are in a position to take action, whether it is changes in diet, exercise, posture, sources of stress, or sleep habits (to name just a few possibilities of areas of change).

Finding Your Fiji LLC

I am a Feng Shui expert and for all health issues I look at the correlation between your home and your life. The center of your home is the health area in general and there are specific body parts associated with different areas of your home.

One of the 1st questions I ask is...Do you have a furnace, water heater, stove or fireplace in the center?

Donna Vincent, NLC, Pn1

If you are looking to transform your health, I'd begin with keeping a journal so that you are able to review everything you are eating, review that and then start making changes. The first change that most people need to make is cutting back on sugar and processed foods while adding more whole foods.. It also depends on if you have health issues.

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