All my life I've had a fat tummy, mainly love handles. Is there any suggestions to get rid of a fat stomach?
Weight Loss

All my life I've had a fat tummy, mainly love handles. Is there any suggestions to get rid of a fat stomach?

5 Answers

Machelle Glassburn
The purpose of Hypnotherapy is to utilize the power of your mind in order to bring about profound changes in thoughts and behaviors.

In addition to all of the great advice you've gotten here, you could add a stress relieving meditation. Stress is a contributor to fat and has terrible effects on our physical body.

Carrie Weitzel, RDN
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

With continuous exercise and a healthy diet (I recommend Mediterranean), you will likely see results of fat loss gradually over time. With exercise it's important to have a mix of strength and cardio which can help promote fat loss. Visceral fat which is often around our abdomen is some of the more stubborn to lose but achievable.

Dr. Paul Finucan D C
Our goal is to provide an integrated alternative approach focused on the health and well being of our patients.

The only way to lose fat is to burn it with proper diet and exercise. We use Ideal Protein and see 3-5 weight loss per week with no muscle loss. Here in Naples Fl at AHHC

Rosa Glenn Reilly

What has worked for me is dropping all sugar (read labels), caffeine, dairy, all grains and root vegetables for 4 weeks. Basically you'll be eating vegetables, one small fruit a day, nuts, and grass fed, clean eggs, fish, chicken and beef. Walk, move, dance, stretch, anything to keep the lymph system flowing. And take a daily probiotic. After one week, I felt great and began to lose around the belly. I actually went two more weeks before adding a little sugar and carbs back in. If you watch closely you'll see what foods your body is reacting badly to. A nutritionist is a good idea, too.

Jany Sabins

My massage therapy teacher has a Ph.D. in nutrition, and I have learned much from him these past few years. I'm a BIG believer in plant based diets because there is science to back it up, and it did wonderful things for me. I would say to start with a good nutritionist, and you must be exercising. Sitting is the new cancer.

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