How can I lose belly fat? -
Weight Loss

How can I lose belly fat?

I am generally a thin person, but I still have a little pooch on my tummy. What can I do to target this problem area?

5 Answers

I am passionate about helping women in becoming the best version of themselves. I believe in a holistic approach to all aspects of health-Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual.

There is no magic way of achieving a flat belly. There are a lot of parameters that we need to consider before focussing on targeted weight loss. one approach may not work for another body type. It's really important to focus on overall health and well-being. I suggest you work with a health coach so they keep you accountable and help you achieve your goal in a sustainable way.

Laura Weiner-Kiser
Hey! My name is Laura Weiner-Kiser and my life purpose is to help people create a bridge between where they are and where they want to be in their health and life desires.

That is a loaded question. There's lots that go into it. Understanding your specific body needs is very complicated. Every body is unique and has its own compass to guide you to know what's best for it. The problem is we've been taught to ignore the signals and we try to think it instead of feeling what's best. Understanding the digestive system and how it prefers to work is important. A common misconception is around our internal environment. Meaning what's going on inside, how are our hormones fluctuating, which nervous system are we in. This is influenced by our mental state. So if you're constantly stressed, you will activate a specific nervous system branch which makes it very hard to lose weight. I have a free guide called Nutrition 101, if you want me to send it to you please message me where to send it.

Sara Schultz, CPC, ELI-MP, EDIT Certified
At Stillwater, we offer a wide array of healing arts tools and experiences for optimal living.

People with wombs, in particular, generally have bodies with extra fat storage in the belly because of their ability to carry offspring. Losing enough weight to reduce this may contribute to long term health challenges.

Alice Diamond/Diamond Fitness

Sometimes nature has to take it's course and you don't want to get too caught up in trying to fight that. That being said I have found the following to be true for me: Don't Eat Late! Don't eat past 6 or 7 pm (depending partly on when you go to bed). Of course this is assuming an overall good diet. If you don't have that, that's the place to start, not because of belly fat, but for your health and well-being.

There's a second part to this answer: ABS, PSOAS, TWISTS. Consistent and thorough abdominal work that tones ALL the abdominal muscles (transversus abdonimis, internal and external obliques and rectus abdominis) will tone and lengthen your torso. Keeping your psoas muscle strong and long will also aid in lengthening your torso. Spinal twists will serve to 'wring out' your spine, intestines and abdominal muscles thereby toning, reducing bloat and improving your digestion.

If you are in the area, come see me for a session in how to do just that. If you're not, we can Skype or FaceTime as well. Hope this helps. Good luck!

Sara Schultz, CPC, ELI-MP, EDIT Certified
At Stillwater, we offer a wide array of healing arts tools and experiences for optimal living.

Many bodies (particularly female bodies) store fat in order to maintain their overall health. I always recommend people to actively work on implementing healthy habits in their life while simultaneously examining their personal self-esteem and body image! Good luck!

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