what does CBD do for you?
Chronic Pain

what does CBD do for you?

I used to smoke marijuana, but I quit a few years ago. Now I see that a lot of people from all walks of life are using CBD oil so I am curious if maybe I am missing out. I never used CBD because it wasn't around when I was smoking weed but now it is everywhere so maybes its worth a shot.

4 Answers

Gregory Hoeper

CBD oil indirectly impacts the endocannabinoid system through indirect activation. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for many functions in the body, including but not limited to altering pain perception, maintain cell homeostasis (balance), the release of nitric oxide, the modulation of inflammation, and the regulation of reactive oxygenated species (ROS) within the body. The endocannabinoid system seems closely related to our circadian biology, and specifically sunlight.

It appears (in some studies) that our endogenous endocannabinoids are produced at the correct times when our circadian rhythm (internal body clock) is working appropriately. Circadian rhythm is affected and disrupted with altered light cycles (artificial light, specifically blue light which is found in most modern devices like LEDs, smartphones, TV's computers), meal timing/frequency, and activity level.

Therefore, CBD can help balance/activate our endogenous endocannabinoid system. However, it only works in endocannabinoid problems. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Our clinic sells high-quality, vegan, 3rd party tested CBD isolate in fractionated coconut oil. The company we work with offers the lowest price I have been able to find concerning CBD on the current market.



Lynn M. Cameron

Cbd oil is costly! If you live in a state where growing is legal, you might try growing a few plants and making your own cannabis oil. You can purchase seeds specifically bred for high cbd content. As more studies are published, it is indicated that fractionated oil lacks the full spectrum of benefit that extracts of the entire plant can provide.

Jasmine Drake

I use CBD skin care products in my treatment room as an esthetician. CBD is known to reduce inflammation. Using it topically can help with skin concerns like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It's also a great source of antioxidants. A CBD salve or balm can be applied to sore muscles, or areas where you have chronic pain.

You can also take the oil internally to help relive anxiety, and calm nerves.

I add value about being healthy and aging well. Alongside all this value, as a business owner, I will be showcasing a line of self-care and nutritional products that help me live a healthy lifestyle.

I first started using CBD for my dog last year and it has been so helpful. He had PTSD from an attack a few years ago. It helped him calm down as he was very anxious, licking his paws all of the time. Then this past summer I developed a spinal cyst that was extremely painful. I started using CBD oil for myself. While none of the other oral pain relievers made a dent in my pain (9-10 most days), I experienced total relief taking CBD. Researching CBD oil's many benefits, I've been continuing to take it several times daily to help with pain relief as well as for bone health and general well-being. There are many different companies offering CBD oil and I have found the full-spectrum CBD oil from HempWorx is the best. They have great quality control and their testing is very thorough. It is grown in Kentucky and is solvent-free. You can buy over the counter oils and not know what goes into them or if there will be too much THC in them. HempWorx is very specific. I say give it a try but use a good CBD oil from a legitimate company so you will know if it can work for you or not. It is definitely not addictive, I do not feel high or out of it, can go about my daily activities normally. Here's a link to check it out. Good luck to you!

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