That's a quote from Albert Einstein and perfectly introduces this article about bio-energetics. For anyone not acquainted with the human body field, the concepts surrounding this vitally important energy field and its connection to human health, I offer the following information:

• All cells (which are particles) within the body generate electromagnetic energy (waves) which interact and communicate with all other cells as well as the surrounding environment.

• Cells continuously emit and respond to oscillations and vibrations of other cells.

• There is a distinct difference between the oscillation and vibrational patterns of healthy versus dis-eased cells.

• The structure, function, and vibrational frequency of a cell burdened with harmful substances such as pathogenic microbes, environmental toxins, mental/emotional toxins, and unresolved trauma, foreign proteins etc., will undoubtedly have a distorted vibration when compared to a healthy cell.

• If a cell is in a good health its signal will be harmonious and resonate in a free manner with other cells the body. If a pathogen (toxin, virus, parasite, emotional toxin, etc) attacks a cell then the signal coming from the cell becomes distorted. The distortions within the electromagnetic frequencies of the cells are measured via a remote, in-home scanner and then displayed via the software in a visual manner that is logical for the human brain to understand.

Why is Bio-Energetics an Integral Component to Recovery from Chronic Health Challenges and How Can It Help Support Bio-Chemical, Healing Interventions?

• The scan itself is therapeutic in the short-term in that distorted electromagnetic frequencies are inverted and returned back to the body as therapeutic, corrective information. The corrective energetic information then cancels out the distorted signals and thus stimulate the cells to oscillate in a healthier mode.

• A bio-energetic scan uses the bio-feedback from the body to prioritize the areas in which the body needs the most support and then makes recommendations to provide that support in the form of infoceuticals. Infoceuticals are created from structured mineral water that has been imprinted with corrective, electromagnetic information that supports the body’s ability to return to homeostasis.

• All chronic health challenges; regardless of the diagnoses, are multi-faceted and are rooted in imbalances of body, mind, and spirit.

• The relationship between the cell (particle) and the electromagnetic frequency (wave) is bi-directional and symbiotic. They each depend on and influence one another. And, one would not exist without the other. Therefore, a truly comprehensive health-restoring protocol needs to address disturbances at both the bio-energetic and bio-chemical level. Addressing one while ignoring the other will undoubtedly be incomplete and thus result in the ever-so-popular phenomenon of “Trying many different protocols with little to no success”

• Bio-energetic applications help to stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms, produces NO harmful side effects, is the missing half of the equation in the journey to help the body overcome chronic disease, and represents the next stage in the evolution of health care. A relatively new technology that measures the body field known as the Bioenergetic Wellness Scan (BWS) is now available to everyone on the globe (with internet access) from the comfort of their home! With a small scanning device, an individual can scan their body field and send the results of the scan to a trained professional who helps them interpret the results and makes recommendations for proper intervention.

For more detail, visit my website posted in my profile. (Credit to Jennifer Ellis-Scheutz, NES Practitioner, for these concepts) Supporting research documents can be found here: