Perhaps you have wanted to keep and write regularly in a jounal, You've heard about special techniques and the many benefits, Yet any people feel resistant to journaling or writing, even those who have benefited greatly from it at times. That has been my experience.


*Perhaps a kindergarden teacher was not helpful when you attempted to form your letters on paper, and that memory lingers. 

*You tried it once and didn't stay with it - and after you stiopped, you don't trust yourself to be able to do it as consistently as you want.

*There's a perfectionist / critic on your shoulder telling you you won't do it right or you don't have anything worth writing inside of you.

What if you have full permission to benefit from writing/drawing/doodling in journal - as regularly (or irregularly) as you choose?

What if there is no one right way to journal. . . yet some structure and guidelines can be helpful, especially it is something you have not experienced before

You can always begin with a simple sentence stem such as I wonder about..., I feel strongly about..., what really motivates me is..., what really irks me is..., what I see out the window is... Then set your timer for 5 minutes and keep you pen moving on the paper( doodles, scribbles words all count

Get support with beginning ( and sustaining) a journaling pactice, while also clarifying your dreams, goals and desires for ythe new year.

Learn Simple strategies for journaling so you'll find an insightful way to address where you are

AND make the bridge to where you want to be. Create practical momentum with your goals!

*Get clear on your top 3 priorities for the New Year
* Find your most insightful way to address where you are AND ways to make the bridge to where you want to be
*Learn simple strategies for journaling so you don't have to overwork your brain trying to figure it all out.