If you feel like your supply is decreasing, first evaluate feedings and your little one. If the breast is draining well during the feedings and there are plenty of wet and soiled diapers, your supply is just fine.
Removing milk is the best way to stimulate and maintain a healthy milk supply. Use more frequent feedings, hand expression and/or pumping to drain the breast and stimulate production.
Maintaining a balanced diet, high in protein and fiber, and drinking to thirst to will support a healthy supply. Busy mamas forget to eat sometimes; keeping snacks such as nuts, granola bars, and pitted fruits on hand can help remind you to eat. Coconut water is a great way to stay hydrated and get the electrolytes you need.
It can take 48 to 72 hours to see a change in supply, if you are not seeing results you may want to contact a lactation support person for further assistance.