I am passionate about helping women in becoming the best version of themselves. I believe in a holistic approach to all aspects of health-Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual.
A job change can be stressful. It's important to check with yourself what prompted you to change jobs in the first place? does this provide at least a couple of things you are looking for? Is the stress only from the job or due to any personal issues? journaling could be a very powerful tool to find some answers. There are many ways for stress management. Book a free consultation with me so we can work together and I can help with some tips and techniques. https://heal.me/ramyakota24
Transform your anxiety, fear, and self-doubt into confidence, self-worth and trust.
Career stuff IS stressful. I'm sorry you're dealing with that. Some good news is EFT Tapping (emotional freedom technique) is a great way to manage and alleviate stress! Tapping helps calm the nervous system by simply tapping on different acupressure points on the head and upper torso with your fingertips.
If I were you, I would first try to identify what emotions and/or physical sensations you're experiencing. (Cheesy as they are, quotes like "name it to tame it" and "feel it to heal it" exist for a reason). Then I would cycle through the tapping points while maintaining mental focus on one emotion or sensation at a time.
Sometimes it can be hard to identify any emotion(s), and that's OK. You can still tap through the points without words. You may want to set a timer for a few minutes, breathing deeply at each point.
Let me know how it goes if you try it out! :) If you have any questions please feel free to reach out: [email protected].
You can do your work, your way, with soul. Learn to trust yourself and tap into your inner wisdom so you can fully show up in your work with confidence. I'm a Career and Life Coach, and I can help
To deal with job change stress, we need to be clear on where the stress is coming from.
At surface level, it seems to come from the job change. We believe the change itself causes the stress. And thinking in this way can be disempowering because it feels like the outside world is stressing us out. We can feel like we don't have control, which can in turn create more stress. We end up in a cycle in which our focus on the stress magnifies the stress, over and over.
But the good news is that we can help ourselves through our stress. It starts by knowing where stress comes from.
Stress comes from how we perceive our situation. If we see the job change as stressful and we let the uncertainty of a new role (potentially one with more responsibilities) mean we aren't prepared, then we are essentially telling ourselves that we should be on high alert. Our brain kicks into survival mode, our cortisol rises, and we go looking for a problem. We train our brain to look out for what could go wrong, so it filters out the data of what is going right. And it creates the perception of things being worse off than they seem, which creates more stress.
We need to break the pattern. How? By seeing that a job change in itself isn't good or bad, stressful or not stressful. It just is. It's the situation we're in. That's it. How we interpret it - what we make it mean about us, about our role, about our day to day responsibilities - that is what makes it stressful. Not the new job itself. But our interpretation of it.
Anytime our brain is in the unknown, its first instinct is fear. But having awareness of this can help us get out of this fear response. When we can see the situation for what it is - describing only the facts of what the job change is, void of all our thoughts and interpretation of it, we see that it simply is the situation we're in. We remove the judgment, and it becomes neutral.
From this place of neutrality, we can the decide how we want to respond. What do we want to make the job change mean? How do we want to interpret the adrenaline we may feel in our body? Perhaps it can be a rush of energy, there to help us forward. Perhaps it demonstrates the thrill of the new position. Perhaps we can see how things aren't stressful - we can highlight to ourselves all the things going right, as planned, working out for us that we may not have noticed before because we had been focusing on the stress.
This approach broadens are perspective so we can choose how to take in our new job. We get to be in charge of our emotions and empowered to show up and respond from a place of supporting ourselves forward.
If you want help applying this to your specific situation, I'm here. Schedule a free 60-minute consultation with me and we'll dive into your specific situation. You'll leave the call with more clarity on what's going on in your brain and we'll talk about what coaching together could look like. Go to https://heal.me/beliefseed and click "Free Consultation"to schedule yours today.
Jen Howe, MPT, FMCHC, NBC-HWC (Physical Therapist and Health Coach)
I am here to support you in your wellness journey. Together we uncover areas of your life that need attention and develop healthy habits to help you reach your fullest potential and feel amazing.
Great question! When it comes to stress there are two parts to deal with the stressor (what is causing the stress) and the stress in our body. In regards to dealing with the stress in our body, the book Burnout by Emily Nogoski talks about the importance of completing the stress cycle. What this means is that when you feel stressed, you need to find a way for your body to essentially get rid of it or complete the cycle. This might be through physical exercise, emotionally connecting with a loved one, doing something creative, having a good cry, or deep breathing/meditation.
The best way to deal with stress with vary from person to person, it is important to figure out what works for you! Exercise and connecting with a friend are what work for me!
We know that 2 people can experience the same exact event/circumstance & have very different stress responses to that thing. So therefore, we know that stress is created by our thoughts about the thing. I teach my clients the think/feel/act cycle - which allows us to understand our thoughts and beliefs about the event and how they're impacting us emotionally as well as our results. So, the first step is to understand the thought that's creating the stress - ask yourself, is it true? Is this thought serving me? Is it helpful? If not, you may want to explore holding different thoughts and beliefs. How is this job change good for me? How is it perfect right now? How is it benefitting me? Those are just some questions to start. I've got more. :)
Hello, I am a Reiki Master and Spiritual Energy Healer. Discerning energy vibrations to help heal, balance & promote soul awakening.
Willing and able to help people world wide!
Don’t over think! We have a tendency to over analyze and have the same emotional responses to situations that happened to us in our past. Be in the present moment and be an observer at first. Listen to your new teams’ responses. Figure out how other people are handling stressful situations. Get a feel of the land, sorta speak, before jumping in with both feet. We often have a fear of change which paralyzes us. Instead of letting the fear be the primary response, think of all the reasons why you made the change, feel grateful for the change because change is the only thing that is constant. Say affirmations in the morning that make your heart sing with joy that you are moving forward with your life. Stress is a negative response to change, think at least one positive thing before you start your day to quiet the negative ego that is making you think stress is the only way to start your day! Prayer to Divine Mother and Father for courage and strength also quiets the negative egoic thought as well!
Tailored coaching to help you build healthy habits, empowering your transformation from busy to energized, living a life full of purpose.
Job change can definitely be stressful. There are a couple of things I recommend for stress. 1. learn a breathing technique. 2. List all things you are grateful for. So, what happens physiologically when we choose to control our breathing or choose gratitude? The Autonomic Nervous System in our bodies regulate our bodily function. This has two branches that greatly impact our health. The Sympathetic Nervous system, known as fight or flight, turns ON the stress response. And the Parasympathetic Nervous System, known as rest and digest, turns OFF the stress response. They cannot both be on at the same time!
When you Control your breathing or are feeling grateful, your Sympathetic Nervous System switches off and the Parasympathetic Nervous system switches on.
That means that your stress response turns OFF and your relaxation and peace response turn ON.
Hey! My name is Laura Weiner-Kiser and my life purpose is to help people create a bridge between where they are and where they want to be in their health and life desires.
The best way to address stress is to slow down. One of the most common reasons people are stressing is because we try to do too many things at once. We are predisposed to certain response patterns based on our programming. Understanding what inside you causes stress helps reduce your stress in any change. You can also make stress more manageable by understand all the different ways it impacts you and reducing stress from a different area (example, if you're experiencing emotional stress, reducing physical stress makes emotional stress more manageable).
This is a great TED talk about how our mind controls our stress perception.
I help my clients get unstuck, find their purpose and reclaim their power through individual intuitive readings and coaching techniques!
I am a huge fan of meditating and making sure not to make any big decisions from an emotional state. I also find that putting the pen to paper helps me anchor myself to the situation. I have often advised my clients to write it down to gain clarity in their heads:
1) What's stressing me out right now?
2) What about this situation is in my control right now?
3) What about this situation is out of my control?
4) What or who are my resources that I can turn to for help?
5) What or who is my support system?
6) What are the actions I will take (daily, weekly, monthly) to be more empowered in this situation?
Writing is one of the most effective ways to silence the Inner Critic and clear the emotional cobwebs!
I am an acupuncturist. I inspire and support people to live at their highest potential by transforming their health and life experience.
Stress can be managed various ways, most important is what works for you. What are some things/activities where you feel your stress go down, even ever so slightly? Things that work for me are nature, the ocean, stones, pets, trees. I also enjoy epsom salt baths with essential oils, candles, soft music. Meditation, Qi Gong, dance and acupuncture are also very relaxing.
Author and Admin of The Beautiful Human App; Brainspotting Practitioner; Contemplative Minister; Licensed Professional Counselor offering Weight Inclusive Care.
To begin, it helps to keep in mind that even wanted changes bring stress - and then if the change was not wanted, even more stress. Some of the best answers to questions about stress may seem very boring: Things that help the mind adapt to new situations - sleeping enough, neither over- nor under-eating, and whatever physical movement is fun for you - are really important. Having a friend or loved one outside the job situation who is willing to listen to you without trying to fix you is invaluable. If the stress seems "over the top" to you, or lasts for more than a few weeks, it may be worth doing some brainspotting (a very targeted mindfulness practice) to see what's going on and how you can alleviate the stress.