How does someone mentally and emotionally get through a pandemic? -
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How does someone mentally and emotionally get through a pandemic?

21 Answers

Pamela Wake, Master Certified Health Coach
I use a client-centered health coaching style that supports and empowers individuals to uncover their strengths and collaborate with them in creating and achieving their wellness goals.

It is a difficult time individually and collectively for all. For me, two things really helped. Doing zoom sessions with friends every day and getting out in nature. This helped me to not feel alone and connected. Spending too much time watching the news and on social media can actually be a detriment to your health. It's good to be informed but in the end you have to decide what is right for your life and your health. Now and always you have the final say on how your life looks. You make the choice about every aspect of it every day, in every situation. When you give that freedom of choice away, you can feel disenchanted and powerless. No matter what happens in the outer world, you have autonomy over yourself, your body, your life. Align yourself with people who support your thoughts and goals and let go of anything that doesn't support that. I used the Insight Timer app every morning for months to clear my mind, release anxiety and to start my day with a positive mindset. Using apps like this can help deactivate "monkey mind" and take you out of the outside chaos. Do more of what you love to do and make that a priority. Challenges come and go and know that this one will go.

Robin Gensburg
I am a hypnotherapist & grief recovery specialist who helps people find clarity and ease on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels

There is no better time to eat healthy and develop good nutritional habits. The benefits are enormous, including inner strength, better focus, anxiety and stress reduction, strengthened autoimmune system and more.

Now is the time to get up and move, go for walks, hikes, biking, running, swimming, dancing. Do whatever you can do to stay strong and keep your body moving, which will also kick in those endorphins and in-turn, will allow you to feel happier and less stressed.

Now, is the time to meditate and take a “time out” from all the negative things you are holding on to. Taking just ten minutes a day for yourself can change your life for the better. If you have a hard time relaxing and clearing your mind, google guided meditation or hypnosis to help stress and anxiety.

Keeping your mind busy through either working, starting a new hobby, reading a book, or even writing a book. Just don’t give yourself too much time to think about what is going on in the world.

Stay away from the news, when at all possible!! The news will destroy every positive thing you are trying to do for yourself.

You have got this!! Take nice slow breaths anytime the feeling of stress arises. Nice slow breaths!

2021 can be a positive chance for transformation. It can be a time to learn about yourself and the capability you have within yourself to relax and let go of that stress and anxiety.

Tailored coaching to help you build healthy habits, empowering your transformation from busy to energized, living a life full of purpose.

There are a couple of things I recommend for mental and emotional strength in helping get through a pandemic. 1. learn a breathing technique. 2. List all things you are grateful for. So, what happens physiologically when we choose to control our breathing or choose gratitude? The Autonomic Nervous System in our bodies regulate our bodily function. This has two branches that greatly impact our health. The Sympathetic Nervous system, known as fight or flight, turns ON the stress response. And the Parasympathetic Nervous System, known as rest and digest, turns OFF the stress response. They cannot both be on at the same time! When you Control your breathing or are feeling grateful, your Sympathetic Nervous System switches off and the Parasympathetic Nervous system switches on. That means that your stress response turns OFF and your relaxation and peace response turn ON.

Robin Gensburg
I am a hypnotherapist & grief recovery specialist who helps people find clarity and ease on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels

There are many different ways to mentally and emotionally get through a pandemic. I have worked with many clients using different modalities such as hypnotherapy, Tapping and Reiki. It is so important not to have a victim mentality. By having a victim mentality, you will have a very difficult time finding happiness. It is so important to know you, and only you have control over your thoughts and how you control your own thoughts. Hypnotherapy helps change a mindset, changes and helps with your thought patterns. Repetition of positive thoughts and believing in your self is so important. You need to love yourself. You need to know you can break those negative thought patterns, bringing you down. Tapping, also applies changing a negative mindset to a positive mindset.

Author and Admin of The Beautiful Human App; Brainspotting Practitioner; Contemplative Minister; Licensed Professional Counselor offering Weight Inclusive Care.

When we are particularly in touch with chaos, we can take refuge in three things - an orienting value, learning and practicing in accordance with that value, and community with people who also practice that value. While we can have more than one core value, it's good in times of stress to distill them all down to one that gives you a home base in the swirling world. So, we identify what is important to us that transcends circumstance. One of my daughters has a t-shirt that says, "Kindness over everything." That is a reflection of what matters most to her, no matter what else is going on. For you, it may be living fully awake, or truthfulness, or service to others. Whatever it is that you can commit to - maybe you try one out for a week or a month at a time - that becomes a refuge during that time. And then the other two legs of your stabilizing three-legged stool are active practice/learning about your orienting value and finding others who can support you in living your values. This is certainly not the only way, but it is a way to move through life that allows you to embody the best of being human no matter what.

Sonia Bhatia, MBA, INHC
I am a health coach who works with you to change your lifestyle through diet and nutrition to feel your best!

Mental and emotional health is as important as physical health. During a pandemic there is stress related to work as well as the new lifestyle of staying home not being able to socialize or see family and friends. Stress leads to a strain on emotional health. Some remedies for managing stress to manage emotional and mental health are:
- meditation
- breathing exercises to manage anxiety
- gratitude exercises
- taking natural supplements called adaptogens like ashwagandha
- exercising
- a good sleep routine
all or some of the above manage stress and hormones. It is important to talk with someone and stay in touch with family and friends. Gratitude exercises help with counting the blessings and things to be thankful for and hence taking away focus from what we don't have during this time.

Holistic healing center

There are many good answers here, so I will simply share how I've been helping. I do a kind of emotional release, using essential oils (when doing an in-person session) and a sound healing emotional release (can be done remotely very successfully). If I can be of any service, I'm glad to help.

I help people relax, unwind, renew, & heal through massage therapy and wholistic health coaching. When you relax & renew, you're your best!

Each day I do a 10 minute journaling exercise by
1. writing the negative for 5 minutes: "I feel.... about.... because..."
2. ripping up the negative
3. writing the positive for 5 minutes

Mary Rosenquist, CH
I am a Clinical Hypnotist and Reiki Master dedicated to helping others heal themselves and educating them on the processes.

Show gratitude for all the positive things that still remain. It may require a change of focus, as things you take for granted normally go unnoticed such as a roof over your head, a warm bed at night, plenty of food to eat and people that love you. Also, spend time in nature, it will clear your mind. Remeber that everything has a beginning, middle and end.

Tap into your TRUTH. Allow your inner wisdom to shine through.

This is a time of developing resiliency. Focus on each present moment with a gentile kindness towards yourself. Meditate on what you are grateful for and stay in connection with yourself (emotions) and others (friends and family). Get enough exercise and reach for healthy alternatives like herbs and essential oils to support your nervous system.

Susan Petang
Certified Dating Coach

My real answer is too long to post here. :-) 3 Key Points:
1. Be mindful. Stay in THIS moment, right now. The past is gone, the future isn't here yet. The only thing that is real (and logical to embrace and enhance) is NOW.
2. Be grateful & positive. Not just for big things, but for little things, too. "I"m grateful I got to sleep an extra 10 minutes this morning." I'm grateful I got the shopping done so quickly." When we do that regularly, the feeling of gratitude becomes familiar - and we'll see all the everyday miracles we usually miss.
3. Monitor your self talk. What do you tell yourself about the pandemic? "This is awful and what will I do if I get sick?" Instead, say things like, "I've dealt with serious problems before. I'll do the best I can and am able to handle anything that comes my way."
Maybe this free YouTube video will be helpful:
"5 Ways for Moms to Deal with Lockdown Stress (without a hand grenade)"
Visit for more info. :-)

Lynne Stylianou-Jensen, MA
HeartMath Certified Coach and Trainer, BA in psychology, MA in Human Development, Retired elementary teacher of 33 years

This is a difficult time for all of us. There are many good answers here from all of of the caregivers. What I can contribute is how important it is to take care of your self during this time. Stress and worry around the pandemic can lower the immune system. The good news is you can choose to turn that around. You can learn to respond to stress instead of react. Though the art of coaching I teach an evidence-based skillset that will allow you to come into a state of balanced alignment , that will give you many benefits including a stronger immune system. This is a powerful healing modality that has worked for me for more than 20 years. If you would like to learn more I'd like to invite you to contact me: [email protected].

I start with the seat of your soul, your energy, and consciousness. I meet you where you are on all levels, mentally, emotionally, spirituality and beyond. Together we uncover hidden emotions and feelings weighing you down, shift you into empowerment and harmonize the mind, body, and spirit to enhance your intuitive healing abilities.

Observation and more centre in oneself! Do an audit of life, what's working, what can be changed and how you can step into your power and live a life you're proud of. The messages signs will continue to let loud; we are all given the gift of reflection; it's time to recognize it and take action, yes, it's scary yet; it something that necessary.

Kia Sanford MS
Using functional clinical nutrition and counseling, I help individuals and families find their personalized path to health and well being.

Forest bathing... a practice known in Japan as shinrin-yoku. Get outside, away from people if you can, away from the news feeds, and away from technology (yes, turn off your phone). Specifically, get out and breathe deeply among the trees. It makes sense on so many levels including the simple exchange between humans who exhale what plants need -- carbon dioxide -- and plants and trees which exhale what we need -- oxygen. In addition, plants and trees influence their environments by releasing substances in the air around them that can be beneficial for us. For example, pine trees release phytoncides which have antibiotic activity in the area surrounding them. A walk through the forest (or even a local park), even for just 20 minutes, can relieve stress as well as contribute to your resilience!

Chronic pain and stress related anxiety, depression, insomnia are just few of the conditions I treat with acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas. I also focus on men's health.

Hi, my answer is we do get through it. Sometime the road is rocky and painful, full of anxiety and fear. I found reaching out for informations and making my own conclusion makes be fear less and and I become less anxious. See where your level of anxiety and fear is and if you are able to reason with yourself or do you need help? I have developed practices to feel centered. I do exercise and eat well as often as I can. Now I am taking local excursions. The nature calms me down. Connecting with friends and making new friends gives me joy and can be fun.

Natalie Kohlhaas MA LPC NBCC CPCS C.Ht
As a Master Therapist Specializing in Anxiety, we work with teens, adults,​ and couples guiding them towards their best version of self.

Each person reaches for their own form of resilience. There is no right or wrong way to find your own sense of ease as long as it sustains your needs. For some, it is a sense of connection, for others' creativity or accomplishment. Look to provide structure to your week where you spend time in purpose, enjoyment, physical activity, connected to others, creativity, nurturing, and accomplishment. All of these allow ourselves to reach for resilience whether in a pandemic or the mundane. The way we go about obtaining these may change, but the sense of structure for self remains the same.

Nini S Castle
Solving the million dollar problems of chronic pain: what they don't teach in schoo When healthy, we are able to live life to the fullest.

This has been a big one as the pandemic has shaken our comfort zones to pieces. When we take ownership of our experience, and understand that when our internal strength is strong, we depend less on our externals and look for ways to find success. If someone lacks self confidence, it doesn't matter what anyone else says, they feel weak inside, but when he/she believes in possibilities and the ability to carry it forth, he/she manifests positive results. As a multidimensional Clairvoyant healer, I help my clients with this process, and watch them receive abundance. Feel free to reach out to me directly

Nini S Castle
Solving the million dollar problems of chronic pain: what they don't teach in schoo When healthy, we are able to live life to the fullest.

This has been a big one as the pandemic has shaken our comfort zones to pieces. When we take ownership of our experience, and understand that when our internal strength is strong, we depend less on our externals and look for ways to find success.

If someone lacks self confidence, it doesn't matter what anyone else says, they feel weak inside, but when he/she believes in possibilities and the ability to carry it forth, he/she manifests positive results.

As a multidimensional Clairvoyant healer, I help my clients with this process, and watch them receive abundance

Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalist and Wellness Coach

The body and mind are connected so increasing physical activity can often contribute to a stronger emotional and mental outlook. It is natural to feel anxiety and fear in the midst of a pandemic. Taking time to be quiet and concentrate on your breathing can also lead to a more relaxed state. Doing exercises such as yoga, Qi Gong or T'ai Chi can also contribute to your mental and emotional wellbeing. In addition, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine provide improvement in your energy which impacts your ability to cope in this pandemic. I invite you to explore these various modalities for a stronger you, both physically and mentally.

Hello there! I am Kat. I was born to this planet to help people in a profound way. Mentoring and healing practices are my methods.

A major contributing factor to being healthy is our mental outlook on life. Do we socialize? Are we frequently angry or sad or fearful? Negative emotions attach to our overall wellbeing. The firing neurons in our brain slow down, also slowing our immune system. Changing our outlook to life is key to building our immune system back up. How do we achieve this? Through methodical approaches that probe into our emotions to find out where they started and how they are still occuring. And, through re-programming the emotions to face challenges more easily - again leading to an overall better wellbeing. I practice NeuroLinguistic Programming and Emotional Wisdom Training that has become the science-backed and artful practice of coaching. I invite you to try it out and see if it works for you. Make an appointment with me and I will work with you with kindness, friendliness, and curiosity. [email protected]

Hello there! I am Kat. I was born to this planet to help people in a profound way. Mentoring and healing practices are my methods.

A major contributing factor to being healthy is our mental outlook on life. Do we socialize? Are we frequently angry or sad or fearful? Negative emotions attach to our overall wellbeing. The firing neurons in our brain slow down, also slowing our immune system. Changing our outlook to life is key to building our immune system back up. How do we achieve this? Through methodical approaches that probe into our emotions to find out where they started and how they are still occuring. And, through re-programming the emotions to face challenges more easily - again leading to an overall better wellbeing. I practice NeuroLinguistic Programming and Emotional Wisdom Training that has become the science-backed and artful practice of coaching. I invite you to try it out and see if it works for you. Make an appointment with me and I will work with you with kindness, friendliness, and curiosity.
[email protected]

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