What are you doing during the day to promote relaxation, stress reduction, and inner peace? In a recent UCSF article (Summer 2021 edition) on Sleep Science, it states falling asleep and staying asleep are based on different biological systems.
Falling asleep is based on sleep pressure that builds up during the day, and staying asleep is related to circadian rhythms. If you are interested in learning Mini-moves® for Sounder Sleep®, please contact me.
Spiritual Heart-based Healing. This technique does not address illness or disease, but spiritual issues that influence our conscious and unconscious minds.
As a Natural Health Educator and a natural health consultant I tell people the following things to do during cold and flu season. But first, a wee bit of philosophy... We have this misconception that germs cause illness. It's actually a thing, called "germ theory". Germs are everywhere and if germs made us sick, we'd all be sick all the time. What prevents us from getting sick??? A strong immune system. It's not the germs that are making us sick, it's a weakened or not-taken-care-of (for lack of a better term, neglected) immune system. So, what are some natural ways to support your immune system?
- Water (drink good clean water - take your body weight, divide it in half and drink that number of ounces of water each day)
- Sleep (sleep hygiene is very important. Get 7-8 hours of sleep per night)
- Whole Foods (eat good food. avoid the garbage and junk - fruits, veggies, lean protein, good fats avoid sugar!)
- Vitamin C (and foods that contain vitamin c. beyond citrus - yum, green pepper!)
- Elderberry Syrup (be careful if taking elderberry supplements that contain as their first or second ingredient: sugar, even natural sugars will aid the inflammation processes in the body)
- Vitamin D (It may be winter; but soak up the rays on these sunny days or find a good vitamin D supplement)
- Colloidial Silver (you won't turn blue...)
- Immune Boosting Essential Oils (regardless of where you fall on the debate of essential oils... I choose Young Living's Thieves blend
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a natural health assessment/appointment, visit my profile to schedule!
Find a good local health store that carries it
I get exercise movement everyday. Some days I spend 20 minutes or more other days I only spend 5 minutes. That is usually a breathing exercise and a stretch. Movement is so important for me.
I notice often when working with soft tissue especially, a hands-on therapeutic session can feel great but as soon as you sit in the car or go back to your daily normals, old pattern sets in which can cause the body, nervous system, connective tissue to trigger a healing response. This often causes a tensing in the body since there is likely a misalignment which was temporarily removed, but life caused it to reverse back. I have personally helped to release my chronic headaches by working with my moment to moment spinal alignment & strengthening the myofascial network to help hold the body in suspension as a new pattern of lightness & ease. Reach out if you're curious for more longterm support & to help set up the body up to heal itself
Hi Brocbuck,
Do you wake up coaching or with sore throat?
I do. I do have my days though, I think we all do.
My own favorite store bought bone broths are Bonafide and Kettle & Fire brands.
But if I have to choose between store bought and home made, I will always chose home made.
Hi Mychal!
What are you looking to learn about breast cancer treatment?
Naturopathic and functional medicine doctors are great resources for alternative treatments. Also, massage, Reiki, CST, and acupuncture can be effective complementary therapies to both traditional and alternative cancer treatment. Each person is a unique case and therefore treatment should be planned as such. Hopefully this gives you a starting point!
Yes is it good as far as you alternate different practices. I would suggest to practice one day pranayama (breath practices) and soft asana, and alternate with more intense work. The key is to alternate. One day rest a week it is also very good, in that case have a walk in nature.
I feel like there are many ways to restore a more "normal" curve to your neck. First step however would be to figure out what caused the curve of the neck to change in the first place and change that first. This might be weak core and neck muscles with poor posture, a workstation that isn't set up correctly, or habitual movements. Of course, there are always things like a car accident that we can't really change once it has happened.
The curve of the spine is controlled by the muscles, shape of the bones, ligaments, fascia and neurological system. Often time successful treatment includes lengthening tight muscles (suboccipitals, pecs, lats) and fascia, strengthening weak muscles (core, deep neck flexors, upper back) as well as addressing stiffness in the joints of the spine that may be holding one in non-ideal posture.
The last thing to remember is that we are all unique beings and our spinal curves will be different than the person next to us. While there is a spinal curve that is considered "normal" it is not something everyone will have. The important thing is to feel strong and balanced in your body.
I have employed positive affirmations in my daily life since discovering Louise Hay when I was in high school. Her groundbreaking book, You Can Heal Your Life, taught me to love and accept myself, and I enjoyed the beautiful affirmations she ended each chapter with. I still go back and read those, but for every day purposes, I like my affirmations short, easy to remember, and easy to recite throughout the day. From the very simple "This too shall pass" to, "I am calm, confident and creative," I tailor my affirmations to fit what is going on in my world at the time. HOWEVER, if ever you create an affirmation and you suddenly hear a voice in your head saying, "yeah, but..." as in "Yeah, but I am not disciplined enough" or "I am not savvy enough" or "I am not lucky enough," you have to deal with those ANTs- the Automatic Negative Thoughts that butt up against your affirmations. To do that, I find EFT tapping works best.
Here are a couple of affirmations for today: "I can choose my thoughts" and "I choose only positive thoughts today." I think you will find affirmations will help keep you on track and help you manifest what you are trying to achieve. Best of luck!
Dedicate the first 30 minutes of your day for you. No looking at your phone, checking your email, watching the news, or doing anything that activates a stress response.
My morning changes every few months or so and it currently looks like this:
A short QiGong practice to get my energy and circulation moving
Watching the sunrise (the timing of when I do this changes throughout the year)
A round of Wim Hof Breathing
Writing down 3 monthly goals
Hypnosis is a little different than it is commonly portrayed in the media today. The hypnotic or trance state can be produced in a number of ways. You go in and out of light levels of trance on a daily basis.
If you've ever driven on autopilot and missed your exit or realized you don't remember driving home, you were in hypnosis. Hypnosis for therapeutic purposes has been shown extremely effective for all kinds of behavioral change and pain management.
Your subconscious mind regulates everything from heart rhythm to nerve responses. In hypnosis, it is possible to communicate and influence this part of the mind for your benefit. However, the subconscious mind will always protect you. It cannot be influenced in any way that it may perceive as a threat to your overall wellbeing.
The reason hypnosis is so effective is because it's used to help all the parts of your mind to create a healthier you.
Hypnotherapy is primarily a state of focus and receptivity. When my clients do hypnosis with me, it's like a very focused, beneficial conversation with a good friend- the kind of conversation that brings up feelings and insight and healing, the kind of conversation that can change your life. Because in hypnosis you have all your resources available to you and you can use them to make the changes you've always wanted to make but that might have seemed out of reach.
You can feel more confident, speak better, perform better, ease trauma and anxiety. You can be the person you were born to be with all the strengths and talents that are part of your nature. Hypnosis can activate these abilities because it helps you set down feelings that no longer serve you and open your arms to your inherent purpose and vitality.
Get a free consultation with me and learn more. All the best to you!
I just listened to Dr. Mercola on a podcast and he had some great advice about fasting and also putting on weight. His latest book is Ketofast which talks specifically about this. One suggestion he had was to break your fast with animal protein. Check it out.
YES! Frozen shoulder can also be called 50-year shoulder caused by heavy responsibility. It would of course very much depend on the acupuncturist. Mine sold my frozen shoulder. As it was frozen due to emotional issue as the weak link.
Best of luck
Hypnotherapy is great for anxiety because it can help you release overwhelming emotions and instead have an appropriate level of feeling to deal effectively with events in life. Emotions are motivators - even uncomfortable emotions like fear and anger - but if they are too strong they can inhibit effective action instead of encouraging it. Hypnosis with me can help you set down thoughts and emotions that no longer serve you and reach your goals more easily, feeling confident, focused, and relaxed. Schedule your free consultation with me to learn more about how hypnotherapy can help you take charge of your life. Talk to you soon!
Hello. I would treat your daughter for the underlying causes of her chemical sensitivity, such as an inherited chronic miasm (virus) and any emotional triggers such as fear. I also strongly advise the importance of treating her traumatic timeline, starting with clearing the most recent trauma in her life, then working backwards in time to homeopathically clear other shocks and traumas. For more information on the Heilkunst system of homeopathy, my website: www.thegentlehomeopath.com