Chronic fatigue syndrome is a complex condition. I have found that acupuncture treatment can improve energy levels in chronic fatigue patients. Acupuncture induces a parasympathetic nervous system response that improves digestion, relaxation and sleep quality. Improved nutrient assimilation and sleep quality results in improved energy. A randomized controlled multi-center trial published in 2015 in the journal BMC Trials concluded that "Body acupuncture for 4 weeks in addition to usual care may help improve fatigue in CFS and ICF patients."
CBD oil indirectly impacts the endocannabinoid system through indirect activation. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for many functions in the body, including but not limited to altering pain perception, maintain cell homeostasis (balance), the release of nitric oxide, the modulation of inflammation, and the regulation of reactive oxygenated species (ROS) within the body. The endocannabinoid system seems closely related to our circadian biology, and specifically sunlight.
It appears (in some studies) that our endogenous endocannabinoids are produced at the correct times when our circadian rhythm (internal body clock) is working appropriately. Circadian rhythm is affected and disrupted with altered light cycles (artificial light, specifically blue light which is found in most modern devices like LEDs, smartphones, TV's computers), meal timing/frequency, and activity level.
Therefore, CBD can help balance/activate our endogenous endocannabinoid system. However, it only works in endocannabinoid problems. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Our clinic sells high-quality, vegan, 3rd party tested CBD isolate in fractionated coconut oil. The company we work with offers the lowest price I have been able to find concerning CBD on the current market.
IF and only if your test is a couple of months away, then you can make changes today to help you brain be at its best. You need to give your body a couple of months to make the adjustment though.
If your diet is relatively high in carbs and processed foods, you can do your brain a favor by reducing the carbs (definitely below 200g a day, but 150g or even 100g is better) and getting rid of processed food. Replace the carbs with high quality fat. Experiment to see if you do better with:
No Breakfast
Fat for Breakfast
Protein for Breakfast
Different people react differently, but one of these will give you plenty of energy to get through 5 hours of testing and keep you mentally sharp.
Good luck on your exams!
According to Jason Fung, MD - author of The Complete Guide to Fasting, in the chapter on Top 9 Fasting Tips, "Drink coffee: Coffee is a mild appetite suppressant. There's also some evidence that green tea may suppress appetite. Black tea and homemade bone broth may also control appetite." Dr. Fung recommends all these beverages during a fast.
One of the interesting considerations to me is what autoimmune diseases represent-- the body attacking itself.
From a consciousness perspective, it is worth thinking of whether women tend to be more self-critical, which is then reflected in this imbalance in the immune system.
I also see a strong component of unresolved trauma as a part of autoimmune disease so again, are women subject to more trauma than men?
But also as Sam mentioned above, perhaps there is an underreporting of men and men many times don't tend to go to the doctor to investigate what is happening healthwise.
Definitely an interesting question with many interesting responses.
Where are you acting from approval/disapproval and where are you acting from unconditional love?
Most of what people call romance is a dance of approvals. I approve of how you look or smell or work or talk, and so I am willing to share affection. The flipside may be that I disapprove of your political views or your management tactics or your religion or family, and so I could never be romantic with you.
But, when the interaction is about love, then you get to smell how you wish and be in whatever religion you wish, and neither would affect the honor I feel to walk beside you.
From a place of honoring one another, expressing affection simply becomes a natural extension of our connection. Or, from a place of honoring one another, the natural extension of our expression may be romantic, or more intimate affection, sharing and expressing love through physical touch.
Other times, the natural expression of honoring one another might be living on different sides of the continent and not really engaging!
The way we know the difference is through our willingness to feel, to drop the approval or disapproval of our own senses and natural expressions. Affection can be shared between friends of same or different genders. Romance can happen between same or different genders, between friends or lovers. Romance can be an expression of how you care for yourself. As you are more and more willing to be open to how you truly feel about anything, about everything, your expression of affection and/or romance becomes a fluid expression of your heart, without judgment.
I hate to recommend pills to anyone.
I always try to get what I need from my food. There are many forms of whole food cleanses and detoxes that can be a good fit for everyone.
Consider having a food sensitivity panel, such as Elisa 184 Assay to determine food sensitivies that you maybe having, and eliminate those foods from your diet and observe the changes with your joint pain. Surprisingly, hidden food sensitivies can create more inflammation in your body and aggrevate joint pain.
Have your considered CBD Oil as an oral supplement as well? In tanden with cleaning up your diet and the use of CBD oil, I am sure you may reap the benefits, since CBD oil decreases joint pain too.
Drink plenty of fluids, eart several small meals daily and relax! Stress can inhibit your supply. My favorite foods to enhance supply are: whole grain barley, dark leafy green vegetables, nettles tea, and fennel. Fenugreek herb ( 2 caps, 3-4 times daily) can be tried as a remedy after you have done all of the above. Also make sure baby has good latch and is on each breast for at least 20 minutes to allow the hind milk to come in.
This is not a good idea. That is way too long without sustenance.
Homeopathic remedies are very helpful.
Must agree with the response above, but with a little more embellishment. My husband and I have been keto for over a year now, and we do have occasional cheat days. What I've learned is that the longer I stay in ketosis, the less time I have to spend regaining ketogenesis. If I have a cheat today, and another tomorrow, then I'm spreading out my over-carb over two full days, and so that's at least one day longer than it would take, if I just do a full-on cheat on one day.
So far, we may regain a pound or two, but we generally lose that within 4-7 days.
First liquid of the day for me is a glass of very warm water and juice of half a fresh lemon. Seasonal favorite is 'Meyers' lemons. Does anyone have info I might need about a Meyers lemon?
The short answer - YES. Air purifiers are 100% worth buying as long as you're getting an air purifier that is effective. My favorite air filters are Austin Air Purifiers
These are clinically proven medical-grade air purifiers. These air purifiers were used in lower Manhattan in 2001 and in New Orleans after Katrina and we are using them in our own homes now. Their true Medical Grade HEPA filter removes 99.97% of all particles larger than 0.3 microns and 95% of all particles larger than 0.1 microns - this means a very significant reduction in indoor dust, mold, pollen, chemicals, and gasses that are blunting your body's immune system capacity.
You can read more about what they do and their effectiveness on their website.
Hope this helps!
I have been working with “Shamanic” Drums for over 20 years, and have found the sounds of the heartbeat, the rhythm of the earth to be quite healing. My anxiety and panic attacks were greatly affected in a positive manner since. I have been facilitating healing drumming as well as teaching drum making workshops since 1996.
I love it!
I love the question. I strongly believe health is multidimensional and taking care of all aspects of the key will yield sustainable results in long run would look inward and start a journal on how I feel physically, mentally, emotionally each day. I will note if the pattern is repetitive and will start with one simple habit at a time. It could be taking a walk, talking to a friend, focusing on any spiritual activity, eating mindfully, self-care practices. Transformation takes time so give yourself the time and permission to commit fully.
As a breast cancer survivor and an Oncology Massage Therapist I believe that helping others find resources outside of traditional cancer treatments is highly beneficial. I fully believe in allopathic medicine such as radiation and chemotherapy for those who choose it, but I found when I was going through surgery and various treatments that each area is highly specialized (a plus from a medical perspective for sure). Sometimes the whole person involved can get lost in the focus on various aspects of the disease. Services like Nancy’s List, Mend After Cancer, and organizations such as the Society for Oncology Massage can help you find practitioners and services available for the person going through treatment as well as caregivers. Often you can buy gift certificates and share information as well. I hope that you personally remain untouched by cancer but love that you care enough to be prepared to help if called.
Usually what is noticed is a difference in hair quality and having to cut your nails much more often! I tell clients that if they notice that on the outside, think of what is happening on the inside. Collagen is something we may need as we get older since the body sometimes has less to work with and this protein is instrumental as a building block. How much you notice depends on where you are starting out. Obviously, if you are highly depleted, the change will be more noticeable. Also, be sure the brand you are using is clearly marked as coming from 100% pasture raised animals. Cows feeding off of grains are not only less healthy but glycosphate can be concentrated in the powder.
Low Hydrochloric acid is most likely the reason for these pains, taking a shot of apple cider vinegar a few minutes before a high protein meal can help with digesting the meats. Digestive enzymes in fermented foods like beet kvass, pickled vegetables, sauerkraut help with breaking down foods and aid digestion.
Also notice if you get any pain, discomfort, gas, brain fog, "hungover feeling" with eggs and any other foods. Meat, eggs and many vegetables are high on sulfur and can be an issue when not metabolized properly in the body.
Besides the great idea Minal has given, I also suggest using recycling materials to create art. If you can not store them, just create, take a picture and recycle again. It you have kids, include them. It is a great way to play, relax and explore your creative side//